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Eestlased Eestis
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Rohkem ...
Russification or Russianization, which one is it? (part 2)
While Belarus has not been designated as Russian-occupied territory, Russianization here has been an inevitable development and now fully entrenched ...
Laas Leivat: Russification or Russianization, which one is it?
Although they do carry different emphases, they both refer to the spread of Russian culture, language and customs through the influence of Russian ...
One day in the life of Vladimir Lilliputin
One day in the life of Vladimir Lilliputin by Alex Solschnitzel
The sunlight shining through the window set high on the wall, for security reasons, ...
Harri Kivilo: Kas Eestit tahetakse muuta uueks riigiks
Riigikogu ja erakondade tööd on hakanud tõsiselt takistama erimeelsused, mis seonduvad kooliõpetajate palkade ja valitsuse peaministri tegevusega ...
Laas Leivat: Will Russia’s alliance with the global far right survive the war?
New studies indicate that a firm mutual admiration linkage has become fragile. This is hard to reconcile since over the last two decades, during Mr. ...
Jüri Toomepuu: rahva ja riigi säilimise tegurid
Loomariigis käib alalõpmata karm võitlus elu ja elatise eest. Evolutsiooni käigus muutuvad kiskjad järjest efektiivsemateks ...
Laas Leivat: Support Putin? Support war? What do Russians really think?
Most opinion polls in Russia indicate one thing: Putin’s popularity is high - 80%. This was recently confirmed by the nationwide municipal ...
Novembri neljas neljapäev, ameeriklaste kalkunipidu
Suured linnud
Päriselt ikka Thanksgiving, tänupüha, aga tuntud ka kalkunipeona, sest need inglased, kes aastal 1620 oma purjelaeva Mayfloweriga ...
Jüri Toomepuu: ära tapa – eranditega
Piibli autorid väitsid, et nende üksainus jumal lõi inimesed oma palge järgi. See pole ilmselt õige sest inimesi on mitmepalgelisi. Hottentotid ...
Täna on mardi/päev!
10. novembril oli Eestis mardipäev! Sellele eelnenud õhtul (mardilaupäeval) või ka 10. novembri õhtul JOOSTAKSE MARTI ehk muututakse ...
Laas Leivat: Russian activists abroad – the Kremlin targets them directly or with Western co-operation (II)
It’s been mentioned that of all the public Red Notices, Russia initiates an overwhelming 38% of the total. To put that into perspective, the U.S. ...
Jüri Toomepuu: Sapiensi tähtsus Homo sapiensi evolutsioonis
Kodu, armas kodu
Ka kauges tulevikus jääb maakera tõenäoliselt inimeste ainsaks elukohaks. Oma koduplaneedi säilitamiseks peame seda kaitsema ...
Laas Leivat: Russian activists abroad, the Kremlin targets them directly or with Western co-operation
Heavy-handed censorship, massive levels of war propaganda and outright intimidation/suppression has resulted in the largest wave of politically ...
Laas Leivat: Some handshakes are historic, others are short-term irritants
Handshakes usually convey a welcoming spirit, peaceful intentions. Images of public figures shaking hands translate to trustworthy intentions and ...
Jüri Toomepuu: Juudid ja araablased – nõbude tapjad
Veri on paksem kui vesi, aga venna-armastus pole piiritu
Ema-, venna- ja ligimesearmastus, ja ka altruism üldiselt, põhinevad, nagu näitavad ...
Laas Leivat: How can Estonians be useful to the Kremlin’s narrative?
Why do Estonians deliberately play by the Putin playbook? Consider this headline recently posted by EKRE’s U.S. online website ‘EestiEest’: ...
Jüri Toomepuu: Mida arvavad araablased?
Iisraeli võimas liitlane
Iisrael on suutnud kultiveerida endale mõjuvõimsaid liitlasi, eelkõige muidugi Ameerika Ühendriikides, kus elab rohkem ...
Laas Leivat: Spying on students and students spying
Approximately 18,000 foreign students studied at Russian post-secondary institutions in 2021. This rose to 23,000 in 2022 and jumped to 30,000 in ...
Alberta teel VIDEO
Igal Kanada provintsil on oma voorused, loodus on riigile naeratanud. Kas ookeanid, jõed või järved, põlismetsad, mäed või tundra, lihtsurelik ...
Laas Leivat: Russians may be suffering losses on the battlefield, but the West just handed them an easy PsyOps victory
It could have been a meticulously planned and perfectly executed operation for Russian intelligence operatives in Canada. But it was actually a major ...
Laas Leivat: The war, media, truth and trust
In March, TV ratings placed Tucker Carlson as the top on-air personality of cable news broadcasters. After was he was fired in May by Fox News, for ...
Laas Leivat: Autocracy creeping into established democracies
It’s observed that nearly half of European democracies are in decline. A total of 17 countries have suffered erosion in the last five years, and as ...
Laas Leivat: ‘Scientific communism’ – its Russian modern reincarnation is infectious and dangerous
Ex-diplomat Harri Tiido, in a recent radio broadcast reminded us of a mandatory university course that practically all abhorred and belittled – ...
Tõnu Naelapea: Whither morality?
Recent weeks, especially the last one have seen a focus on morals and values in Estonia. The body language of politicians is being analyzed and the ...
Moon musings VIDEO
Curious. While the wonder of the night sky has captivated the slimster for as long as he can remember online media has only recently jumped on the ...
Suvenaer, suverõõm ei sügist ei vii - Riina MÄRKMIK
Septembri tuntuim rahvapärane nimi on sügiskuu ja kuigi enamik meist sooviks, et suvesoojus ja selle mõnud kestaksid - ning nii Toronto ümbruses ...
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