Baltic Ecumenical Commemorative Service (3)
Eestlased Kanadas | 19 Jun 2002  | Vaado SarapuuEWR
Lithuanian R.C. Parish of the Resurrection Church. Toronto June 13 2002. Estonian Central Council. Latvijan National Federation in Canada. Lithuanian Canadian Community.

NSVL poolt Balti küüditatute Mälestus-Jumalateenistus.Videofotod. Lühiintervjuu külalistega Eestist kõik Siberi raskused läbinud Silja Sarapuu ja Ruuben Lamburiga. Kuula seda siit.
Silja Sarapuu
Ruuben Lambur


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John Pahapill14 Jun 2002 16:48
Two corrections. First: in my original comment, I refer in error to to Ruta Zilinskas, I should have mentioned Ruta Klicius. My sincere apology! Second: in transmitting my comment, somehow the word praise shows up incorrectly, twice! In the current version, I have corrected this. So, the corrected text of my originalcomment is:

For information of EESTI ELU readers; for the record:

The comment from Ruta Klicius - of the Lithuanian community in Canada - came in response to the e-mail I sent this morning to the executive of the Baltic Federation in Canada. For the record, here is the text of that e-mail:

Dear colleagues at the Baltic Federation in Canada:

In case Vaado Sarapuu has not yet had a chance to send you a copy of the pictures that appear in this morning's Eesti Elu / Estonian Life Online, here is its URL - thought you might be interested in seeing them -just click on it, and you will have a collection of lovely pictures from yesterday's excellent Commemorative Service at the Lithuanian Church of Resurrection.

Here is the URL:

The interview referred to on the same page is with two Estonians, Silja Sarapuu and Ruuben Lambur - visiting our community here at the moment. They both spent years in slave-labour camps in Siberia. The interview with them is in Estonian. They praise our Commemorative event here last evening, and they congratulate the Baltic community in Canada for its cooperative undertakings in helping its native homelands. As well, they give praise to the strong and patriotic community spirit that we have here, which is, unfortunately, not always so noticeable in our homelands in these days.

With best regards,
John Pahapill
John Pahapill14 Jun 2002 16:22
For information of EESTI ELU readers; for the record:

The comment from Ruta Zilinskas - the head of the Lithuanian community in Canada - came in response to the e-mail I sent this morning to the executive of the Baltic Federation in Canada, of which Ms. Zilinska is a member. For the record, here is the text of that e-mail:

Dear colleagues at the Baltic Federation in Canada:

In case Vaado Sarapuu has not yet had a chance to send you a copy of the pictures that appear in this morning's Eesti Elu / Estonian Life Online, here is its URL - thought you might be interested in seeing them -just click on it, and you will have a collection of lovely pictures from yesterday's excellent Commemorative Service at the Lithuanian Church of Resurrection.

Here is the URL:

The interview referred to on the same page is with two Estonians, Silja Sarapuu and Ruuben Lambur - visiting our community here at the moment. They both spent years in slave-labour camps in Siberia. The interview with them is in Estonian. They pr~~~~ our Commemorative event here last evening, and they congratulate the Baltic community in Canada for its cooperative undertakings in helping its native homelands. As well, they give pr~~~~ to the strong and patriotic community spirit that we have here, which is, unfortunately, not always so noticeable in our homelands in these days.

With best regards,
John Pahapill

Ruta Klicius14 Jun 2002 09:59
Thank you for sending the photos not only from this event, but also from Baltic Evening. I will forward them to the editor of the Lithuanian weekly, Teviskes Ziburiai in Mississauga. It's wonderful to See what is happening in Toronto. You captured the mood very well.Ruta

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