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Battalion of Russian conscripts destroyed in Luhansk Oblast, hundreds killed
06 Nov 2022 EWR Online
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According to Russian news outlet Verstka, almost a battalion of Russian conscripts from Voronezh Oblast (Russia) was destroyed near the village of Makiyivka, Luhansk Oblast by a Ukrainian strike; hundreds of Russian occupiers were killed.

One of the survivors, Russian serviceman Aleksey Agafonov, told Verstka about the losses among the conscripts as a result of a Ukrainian attack on the contact line near Makiivka in Luhansk Oblast. According to the soldier, the number of occupiers killed may exceed 500.

According to battalion commander Agafonov, "We were dumped into the forest and ordered to entrench; we had only three shovels for the battalion, and there was no support at all. We entrenched as best we could, and in the morning the [Ukrainian] attack started. [Ukrainian forces used] artillery, Grad MLRS, mortars and copters; we were just shot.

When it all started, the officers immediately ran away. In between the attacks, we tried to entrench, but the copters immediately spotted us and just shot us. Out of 570 people, 29 managed to survive, 12 more were wounded, and the rest are all dead".

Zlata, the wife of another conscript, told Verstka about the hundreds of soldiers killed. "Of course, more than half of them [conscripts] died," she said, citing her husband.

The information gathered by Verstka was also confirmed by Lyudmila Chernykh, the wife of another conscript, who managed to survive.

"He [my husband] called me in the morning from someone else's number and told me what happened, that they were left to dig the defence line, came under mortar fire, and somehow managed to get from Krasnodon to Svatove, where they are hiding. They are now afraid to go anywhere, they are even afraid to go to the checkpoints. Their commanders abandoned them, and they do not know what to do, they are just calling for help," Chernykh said.