Leigh Phillips
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Italian euro-deputy Mario Borghezio wants the EU to establish a European UFO Centre, thinks that the Bilderberg Group is a secret world government and was once found guilty of setting fire to the possessions of homeless immigrants living under a bridge in Turin.
Some people may consider his views to be those of an eccentric at the very least, but the MEP is also a prominent member of the Lega Nord, which is no fringe group, but rather the far-right political party that is the major coalition partner in Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government and the main ally of the UK Independence Party's eurosceptic Europe of Freedom and Democracy group in the European Parliament.
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Berlusconi and Ukip ally hunting UFOs, Bilderbergers
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 07 Jul 2010 | EWR
Rahvusvahelised uudised