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Bloomberg picks the Baltics as a geopolitical hotspot for 2015
24 Dec 2014 EWR Online
A Pessimist's Guide to the World in 2015, put together by Bloomberg News, suggests that the Baltics may become one of the geopolitical flashpoints.

"Vladimir Putin undermines NATO members by stirring up trouble with Russian minorities in Estonia and Latvia, and with Russia’s Kaliningrad enclave between Poland and Lithuania. Recent airspace encounters show Russia’s willingness to test NATO’s capabilities," Bloomberg reports.

The Pessimist's Guide is based on the opinions of foreign political analysts, military experts, economists and investors. It aims to point out the worst-case scenarios of possible confrontations in 2015.

The list of 15 potential hotspots involves the usual suspects like Syria, Israel, Gaza and Iraq, as well as growing tensions in the Arctic region over the ownership of its natural resources, and a potential euro-zone crisis stemming from Greece.