Boris Nemtsov: Elected by Voters, Prosecuted by Kremlin
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 20 Sep 2013  | EWR OnlineEWR
20 September 2013

Vladimir Putin does not like Boris Nemtsov. He has made this abundantly clear throughout his presidency, including when he demanded that Nemtsov resign from Parliament for calling for peace talks in Chechnya, or when he bizarrely accused the opposition leader of “stealing billions” during a live television show. Not to mention such telling gestures from the Kremlin as Nemtsov’s New Year’s Eve arrest and imprisonment in 2010–11, or the decision in 2011 to deny registration to his party, barring it from the parliamentary election. In fairness, the enmity is mutual: for years, Nemtsov has been one the most relentless critics of the Kremlin leader, detailing and publicizing his record of corruption and abuse, both among Russian citizens and on the world stage.

Article: http://www.worldaffairsjournal...

Rahvusvahelised uudised