Bridge to link mainland and Muhu island to be built by 2022
Eestlased Eestis | 07 May 2010  | EWR OnlineEWR
Logistics Turku

WSP Finland, commissioned to evaluate the establishment of a permanent link between the mainland and the island of Muhu in Estonia, suggests the building of a console type bridge across the strait of Suur Väin on the shipping lane leading across the strait. (Muhu and Saaremaa island are linked with a dam bridge.) WSP Finland Oy assesses the building of the bridge to take four years (2018-2021), with the bridge to be opened for traffic in 2022.

The crossing of the bridge would be subjected to a bridge toll, equalling to the ferry crossover pay valid today, through 2041. The toll would be cancelled as of 2042. The cost of the bridge project could come as high as (at prices valid in 2008) EEK 5.09bn (EUR 325.31mn USD 429.35mn). The EU Cohesion Fund is expected to fund the bridge project to account for 15% of the total cost.

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Eestlased Eestis