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Veebruar 6, 2025

Sündmus: TLPA First Thursday: Baltic defence – firsthand insights
Linn: Toronto
Aeg: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Informatsioon: February 6: Baltic defence – firsthand insights

What does it truly mean to defend a border? Anna Priedīte-Priede spent three weeks in military training for the Latvian reserves, while Canadian Army officer Rowan Leach completed a seven-month deployment with Latvia’s NATO mission. Go beyond the headlines and hear these powerful stories from the front lines.

In English. Gourmet lunch.
(Register by February 2 by contacting Maruta Freimuts: 416-233-9552, . TLPA members $25, guests $30.)
Schedule at the Toronto Latvian Centre

10:00 Activities; Choir rehearsal
11:30 Exercise class; Zoom open
12:00 Lunch
12:40 Group song and Ivars’ weekly report
13:00 Program

Facebook Live:
TLPA First Thursday: Baltic defence – firsthand insights
Kontakt: Maruta Freimuts  
Telefon: 416-233-9552