Calling all former members of the 1959 Estonian Youth Congregation from St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Toronto!
Do you recall the Friday night pre-Confirmation class you had attended? There were around 24 students taking physical education, religious, and singing classes, some of whom were later confirmed as part of the youth congregation of the Estonian St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church at 817 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto.
The singing classes were taught by pr. Soopere while the spiritual word was personified by the ever popular ıpetaja Oskar Puhm.
Ene Duncan (nee Pomerants), a member of that class, recently suggested a Reunion be organized for those 1959 class members some time during the spring of 2012, with a date to be confirmed and announced later.
If you are interested in getting together after more than 50 years, or even simply getting in touch with another Estonian Canadian from the Friday night classes, we encourage you to get in touch using this web-site.
The reunion will be open to all former class members and their partners/spouses allowing them a chance to connect again after so many years. We hope that you will be available to attend and look forward to hearing from you.
Toivo A. Oks, Ene Duncan,