Canada to host International Physical Protection Advisory Service Mission
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 26 Mar 2014  | EWR OnlineEWR
March 25, 2014
The Hague, Netherlands

Nuclear terrorism remains one of today’s most significant global security challenges, and our Government is committed to continuing its work to improve nuclear security and address the threat posed by nuclear terrorism. To this end, on March 25, 2014, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that Canada will host an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Physical Protection Advisory Service (IPPAS) mission by the end of 2015.

The IPPAS is a peer review mechanism offered by the IAEA to assist States in strengthening their national nuclear security regime. It provides host countries with advice on implementing international instruments as well as guidance on the protection of nuclear and other radioactive material and associated facilities.

To date, 62 IPPAS missions have been undertaken in 40 countries and a number of countries have committed to host missions in the context of the Nuclear Security Summit process. Canada has provided experts to assist in a number of these missions.

Canada is a strong proponent of the voluntary disclosure of information gained from IPPAS missions as a means to improve the global repository of best practices and lessons learned.

Established in 1957 as the “Atoms for Peace” organization within the United Nations, the IAEA is the world´s center of cooperation in the nuclear field. The IAEA works with its MemberStates and multiple partners worldwide to promote the safe, secure, and peaceful use of nuclear technologies.
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