Canadian Multicultural Hockey Championships 2009
Eestlased Kanadas | 23 Dec 2009  | EWR OnlineEWR
Come out to Support the Toronto Estonian Men's Hockey Team this Holiday Season!
All games: Chesswood Arena, 4000 Chesswood Dr., Downsview, ON M3J 2B9

Calling all hockey enthusiasts and patriotic Estos to support our team and cheer them to victory! The Toronto Estonian Men's Hockey Team invites you to come out to show your support during their 2009 Heritage Bowl championships.

Estonian Ice vs. The Portuguese Sea Wolves
Pühapäeval, 27. detsembril kell 19.50/Sunday, December 27th at 7:50pm

Estonian Ice vs. The Ukrainian Kozaks
Esmaspäeval, 28. detsembril kell 19.50/Sunday, December 28th at 7:50pm

Estonian Ice vs. The First Nations Firebirds
Teisipäeval, 29. detsembril kell 18.45pm/ Tuesday, December 29th at 6:45pm

The semi-final and final will be held on:
Kolmapäeval, 30. detsembril kell 17.00 ja 19.30/Wednesday, Dec. 30th at 5pm and 7:30pm

For more information, and to see the schedule click here:
Eestlased Kanadas