Canadians register over 145,000 Acts of Green
Archived Articles | 30 Oct 2008  | EWR OnlineEWR
Unique program demonstrates the collective power of the human network to effect change

TORONTO - October 30, 2008 - One Million Acts of Green (OMAoG), a
unique collaboration between CBC and Cisco, has blown past its first
major milestone. In just over a week, Canadians across the country have
registered over 145,000 acts committed, equaling a reduction of
8,841,283 kg of greenhouse gas - which is equivalent to taking more than
1,900 cars off the road for a year. With an average of 12 acts submitted
per minute, the OMAoG website is quickly becoming the most comprehensive
social networking site in Canada focused on the environment. In
addition, more than 2,500 people have joined a OMAoG Facebook group.

Since the launch of the campaign on The Hour with George
Stroumboulopoulos on October 21, Canadians from all walks of life have
embraced this grassroots national movement. For example, Delta Secondary
School in Hamilton, ON is encouraging students and staff to go green.
The school’s group currently has 128 members who have collectively
logged 1,715 acts. Next Wednesday, November 5, kids, parents and
teachers from Moraine Hills Public School in Richmond Hill, ON will join
the "Walking School Bus”, a coordinated team walk to school, and log
their efforts.

This weekend, November 1 and 2, one of OMAoG’s environmental
partners, Clean Air Foundation will begin its (seasonal LED light
exchange) “SLED” campaign at 180 Home Depot stores across Canada.
LED lights are 95 per cent more energy efficient than incandescent, and
Canadians can exchange their old lights for a discount on LED lights.
All participating stores will be giving out info OMAoG info cards
(printed on recycled paper stock with enviro-friendly ink) around the
SLED campaign. The projected reach is 120,000 people. Each exchange is
an act of green and it will be the featured act for the weekend at

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