See artikkel on trükitud: Canada's military ordered to begin 'pre-pandemic planning'
04 Mar 2020 EWR Online
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Canada's military ordered to begin 'pre-pandemic planning'
Murray Brewster
Dr. Bonnie Henry, pictured in this file photo, will share an update on COVID-19 in B.C. alongside Health Minister Adrian Dix.
Elderly B.C. woman in 'critical condition' due to COVID-19
a group of people in uniform: Members of the Canadian Armed Forces march during the Calgary Stampede parade in Calgary, Friday, July 8, 2016. A study by the Department of National Defence says the Canadian Armed Forces needs to nearly double the number of women it has been recruiting in recent years to reach its target of having women represent one-quarter of all military personnel by 2026. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh © THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh Members of the Canadian Armed Forces march during the Calgary Stampede parade in Calgary, Friday, July 8, 2016. A study by the Department of National Defence says the Canadian Armed Forces needs to nearly…

Canada's top military commander issued a detailed set of "pre-pandemic planning" orders on Wednesday for units both at home and overseas.

The orders give base commanders the authority, among other things, to cancel large gatherings on bases in the event of a spike in the number of COVID-19 cases.

They also outline "additional precautions," ranging from personal hygiene to strict reviews of all non-essential travel and leave for soldiers, sailors and aircrew.

"The intent of this is to look at all of the things we need to do to preserve the force, should this become a pandemic," said Gen. Jonathan Vance, the chief of the defence staff, at a defence conference in Ottawa.....