See artikkel on trükitud: Doug Ford to announce plans for 'Stage 1' of easing COVID-19 restrictions. Is Ontario ready?
14 May 2020 EWR Online
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Mike Crawley
3 hrs ago
Premier Doug Ford is poised to announce how Ontario will start to reopen its economy and phase out some emergency restrictions that were imposed to combat COVID-19.
The announcement — expected at 1 p.m. — will lay out a plan to lift restrictions on construction and to allow the reopening of retail stores that are not in malls, as well as seasonal businesses, pet services and household maintenance, according to a draft of the plan obtained by CBC News.

The draft document does not indicate when Ontario will begin to phase out its semi-lockdown, but Ford is expected to reveal the date during his daily briefing.

Also watch: How Toronto is getting ready to restart its economic 'engine' (Provided by CBC)....

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