See artikkel on trükitud: Illegal border crossers still trying to enter U.S. from Canada, causing worry in Akwesasne over COVID-19
03 Apr 2020 EWR Online
 - pics/2020/04/55893_001_t.jpg

Jorge Barrera
An Akwesasne woman was charged last week for allegedly smuggling three foreign nationals into the U.S., triggering concerns that the persistent trickle of illegal border crossers in the area is putting the Mohawk community at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On March 18, a community member was detained after crashing into four U.S. Border Patrol vehicles and charged with smuggling two nationals from India and one from Italy into the U.S. from Canada.

"Obviously we are concerned about any people coming through our community that aren't from our territory that may have been exposed to or be carriers of the virus," said Akwesasne Grand Chief Abram Benedict, whose government oversees the Canadian side of the community.

Akwesasne is about 120 kilometres west of Montreal and straddles the Canadian and New York State border....

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