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Celebrating Canada
06 Jul 2010 EWR Online
Peter Van Loan, MP, York-Simcoe

As we celebrate the 143rd birthday of Canada, we can take pride and joy in living in the best country in the world.

Canada is a land of freedom, hope and opportunity - where by the dint of hard work and determination, it is possible to achieve your dreams.

At a time, when the rest of the world continues to suffer from a global economic downturn, Canada stands out as an economic success story:

• the lowest debt of any major economy
• the lowest deficit of any major economy
• the strongest economic growth of all the major developed countries
• the strongest job growth of any G-7 country
• the strongest banking system on the globe, according to the World Economic Forum
• the best skilled workforce of any Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development country

While our economy still has challenges, we can take comfort in how we are doing relative to others. Our government remains focused on the economy, and working to ensure our recovery is safeguarded.

At the recent G-20 Summit in Toronto, Prime Minister Harper was able to lead from a position of authority - based on Canada's strong record.

The result was positive outcomes - commitments from other countries on deficit reduction and banking reform that will safeguard the global economy. That is important for our country - two thirds of our economy is related to international trade!

On top of a great economy, we have a quality of life second to none. Safe communities, good healthcare, sound education and a remarkable natural environment make our country a great place to live.

It's a good time to raise a toast to our founder, and Canada's first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald. His vision of building a great country has succeeded and endures.

Uniting east and west, French and English, new and old Canadians, from coast to coast - Macdonald built a great foundation for us.

But it is our people, seeking opportunity, and working to build brighter futures for themselves and their families, who have built this country.

The best country in the world - Canada.

(Published originally by the Innisfil Scope, June 28, 2010, copied here from Minister Van Loan’s website, )