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Celebrating Estonian Christmas at Spadina House
08 Dec 2006 Adu Raudkivi
Rasmus Lumi. Peter van Loan, Avo Kittask - pics/2006/14832_2_t.jpg
Rasmus Lumi. Peter van Loan, Avo Kittask
The City of Toronto invited the Estonian community this year to show their Christmas customs and activities through the city-run cultural program "Sharing our Traditions", held at the Spadina House Museum, 285 Spadina Road (south of St. Clair, just north of Casa Loma.) The program featuring exhibits throughout the week and "Family Sunday" performances was formally opened on Thursday, November 30th.

Honourary Consul General of Estonia Laas Leivat, President of the Estonian Central Council in Canada (EKN) Avo Kittask, and Helle Arro, of The Estonian Ethnographic Society (EERK) presided over the opening. EKN and EERK are the co-sponsors of the program along with the City of Toronto. Adding credibility to the Yuletide event at the opening was the Reverend Andres Taul, who threatened tongue-in-cheek to speak for four hours, but relented. This Sunday, December 10, at noon, the „Estonia“ Choir will perform.