ERR News
The popularity of the nation's opposition parties was soaring in January, with the Center Party rising to the top and the Social Democrats in a close second, according to a TNS Emor poll commissioned by ERR.
Of respondents, 28 percent said they would give their vote to the Center Party, which enjoyed a growth of 4 percent since December. The Social Democratic Party were chosen by 27 percent of respondents, a 1-percent decline since last month.
Both coalition parties saw a 2-percent drop, putting the Reform Party at 20 percent and IRL at 16 percent. The Reform Party's support has dropped consistently since last August, when it was supported by 39 percent of respondents.
January's results depict the largest backing for opposition parties since 2007, with the ruling parties together taking 36 percent and the opposition 55 percent.
Meanwhile, among non-parliamentary parties, the Green Party reached the threshold for entering Parliament - 5 percent. The Conservative People's Party was supported by 2 percent of respondents.
The poll reflects the opinions of 899 respondents. It only factors in the answers of respondents who had a preference. In January, 38 percent of respondents said they didn't prefer any political party to another.
Center Party Leads January's Popularity Poll
Eestlased Eestis | 27 Jan 2013 | EWR OnlineEWR
Eestlased Eestis