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Chess tournament at Seedrioru
21 Jul 2022 Jaak Järve
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My second trip to Seedrioru Estonian Summer Camp allowed me to run 6 group chess tournaments with over 60 children. For those who did not understand the rules of chess, I taught them the basic moves and allowed them to practice on a large chess board. The champions per each group are listed as follows:
Group 1:Three way tie for first Tanner, Hudson and Kaivo;
Group 2: Three way tie for first Malleus, Hailey and Isaac;
Group 3: Damian;
Group 4: Ivo;
Group 5: Rein;
Group 6: Lexi.

Due to time constraints the tournaments were based on material won in a ten minute period.

Congratulations to all of the players who came to win at the game of Kings. Chess is a great strategy game, which teaches planning, logistics and spatial recognition. Humility is also a product of the game. The enthusiasm in play and interest to learn the game was very rewarding to all participants, the photos below will tell the story.

Photos: Jaak Järve
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