Christmas services (25)
Archived Articles | 17 Dec 2007  | Eva VabasaluEWR
In 1578 a Lutheran Bishop of Magdeburg, Germany named Andreas Celichius wrote that a comet is “the thick smoke of human sins, rising every day, every hour, every moment, full of stench and horror before the face of God, and becoming gradually so thick as to form a comet, with curled and plaited tresses, which at last is kindled by the hot and fiery anger of the Supreme Heavenly Judge.” This insight prompted others to comment that if comets were the smoky result of sins then the skies would be invisible. Ah, one can always rely on a Lutheran holy man for such an insight. But then again let me be quick to say we can’t paint everyone with the same broad brush. It’s always about the individual.

As far as holy men go, I have great admiration for Arho Tuhkru, a Lutheran minister who served as temporary pastor here in Vancouver in 2005 and 2006 for eight months or so. I understand he is in Toronto now at St. Peter’s. Lucky them. And Toronto’s Orthodox community is fortunate too since Isa Stefan will be conducting the Christmas service. Both of these men are beacons embodying Christ’s teachings in a sincere and humble way.

The Baptist community is graced with Jaan Puusaag a man revered in these parts for his humour and his silver-tongued orations. His brother in Toronto is equally eloquent and interesting.

Since Isa Stefan is away, Bishop Aiden will conduct the Orthodox service and it is hoped that many more young people will partake of this English-speaking service.

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Eva Vabasalu07 Jan 2008 12:07
I quoted Andreas Celichius and gave him full credit as the author. This is not a copyright infringement as suggested by Maarika.
t01 Jan 2008 08:35
Maarika31 Dec 2007 10:16
Reference error.
Theological Efforts to Crush the Scientific View
Where you not confirmed in St.Peters Estonian Church in Toronto?

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