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CISV International Children’s Camp at Seedrioru
01 Sep 2019 Martin Kiik
 Estonian campers presenting ‘Kaera-Jaan’ folk dance to camp visitors at the CISV open house. - pics/2019/09/54317_003_t.jpg
Estonian campers presenting ‘Kaera-Jaan’ folk dance to camp visitors at the CISV open house.
During the month of August, the children’s camp at Seedrioru in Elora, Ontario remained a busy place, with visiting international campers from CISV (Children’s International Summer Village). A total of 44 11-year old children from 11 countries (along with a counsellor from each country) enjoyed the natural wonders of Seedrioru, while meeting groups from around the world. It was especially rewarding to meet the group from Estonia, who got first-hand experience in using the camp facilities provided by the Estonian-Canadian community. Other countries represented were: France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Japan, Israel, Italy, the United Kingdom and Canada.

As part of the camp program, CISV hosted an open house on Sunday, August 11, where each country group had set up a booth in the main hall at Seedrioru. This was followed by a camp show, where each group presented a cultural program from their home country (the Estonian group presented the well-known Estonian folk dance, ‘Kaera-Jaan’).

Further information about CISV’s programs can be found on their main website, and their local websites ( and

Martin Kiik

Photos from CISV camp open house, 11 Aug 2019

Display by the Estonian campers’ delegation at the CISV summer camp open house at Seedrioru.  - pics/2019/09/54317_001_t.jpg
Display by the Estonian campers’ delegation at the CISV summer camp open house at Seedrioru.
Campers from Estonia, at the CISV international summer camp at Seedrioru. The 11-year old campers came from Tartu, Tartumaa, Valgamaa and Tallinn - pics/2019/09/54317_002_t.jpg
Campers from Estonia, at the CISV international summer camp at Seedrioru. The 11-year old campers came from Tartu, Tartumaa, Valgamaa and Tallinn
 Estonian campers presenting ‘Kaera-Jaan’ folk dance to camp visitors at the CISV open house. - pics/2019/09/54317_003_t.jpg
Estonian campers presenting ‘Kaera-Jaan’ folk dance to camp visitors at the CISV open house.
All the international campers at the CISV camp at Seediroru, at the camp open house and show on 11 August, 2019. - pics/2019/09/54317_004_t.jpg
All the international campers at the CISV camp at Seediroru, at the camp open house and show on 11 August, 2019.