Clinton: USA on Venemaa valimiste pärast mures DELFI (2)
Kuumad uudised | 05 Dec 2011  | EWR OnlineEWR

USA on tõsiselt mures pühapäevaste Vene riigiduuma valimiste pärast, ütles Ühendriikide välisminister Hillary Clinton esmaspäeval.

"Oleme tõsiselt mures valimiste läbiviimise pärast," ütles Clinton Euroopa Julgeoleku- ja Koostööorganisatsiooni (OSCE) valimisvaatlejate aruandele viidates, vahendab BNS.

OSCE sõnul varjutasid duumavalimisi sagedased protseduurilised rikkumised, kaasa arvatud valimissedelite lisamine hääletusurnidesse.

Riigiduuma valimised võitis varasemast väiksema ülekaaluga võimupartei Ühtne Venemaa, opositsioon teatas massilistest rikkumistest ning rünnakutest sõltumatu meedia ja valimisvaatlejate vastu.

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Toomas Merilo09 Dec 2011 18:19
Kellel aega, võiks solidaarsust näidata homme, laupäeval.

Oletan, et peamiselt kohalikud ida eurooplased, miks mitte ka meie?

Toronto For Fair Elections

Saturday, December 10 at 2:00pm

Location: 175 Bloor Street East, South Tower,Toronto,Ontario, M4W 3R8 Just West of Jarvis.
Kanadast vene "valimiste"kohta09 Dec 2011 11:24
OTTAWA— Liberal Leader Bob Rae made the following statement today on the recent election in Russia:

“The people of Russia have voted and have sent a strong message rejecting the kind of one-party political domination that United Russia has been trying to implement. The election results and the subsequent protests demonstrate the need for the Russian political process to be opened up to allow for the creation of an effective opposition that would provide voters with a meaningful alternative rather than the ideological alternatives of communists and nationalists. The Liberal Party calls on authorities to ensure that a viable political space is opened up for an opposition that is fully committed to democracy.”

Liberal Foreign Affairs critic Dominic LeBlanc continued:

“The recent election results, with incredible outcomes of more than 90% of the population voting for United Russia in some regions, have demonstrated how much more needs to be done to build an effective democracy in Russia. A strong commitment to making democracy work from all the major political forces in Russia can lead to positive change for the Russian people.

We are also concerned with the tactics being used to deal with political demonstrations. As we have seen on repeated occasions this year legitimate protest cannot be effectively stifled by force. We believe that it is important that Russians be given the opportunity to express their commitment to building a democratic Russia.”

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