Co-sponsors needed for Black Ribbon Day Resolution (H. Res. 790) -
Eestlased USAs | 15 Oct 2012  | EWR OnlineEWR
Please ask your Representatives for their support

Washington, DC (JBANC) --- Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives (H. Res. 790) that supports the designation of August 23 as Black Ribbon Day to recognize the victims of Soviet Communist and Nazi regimes.

Your help is needed to increase cosponsorship of this legislation in order for it to be considered when Congress returns for its lame duck session on November 13. Please contact your Congressional Representative today by calling the Capitol switchboard for the telephone number of your Member of Congress at: (202) 224-3121. Congressman Daniel E Lungren (R-CA) is the sponsor of the legislation, and other cosponsors include House Baltic Caucus co-chairman John Shimkus (R-IL), House Europe and Eurasia Subcommittee Chairman Dan Burton (R-IN), and Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), whose parents fled communist Eastern Europe after World War II.

Reasons to support the Black Ribbon Day resolution:

* August 23, the date of the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (the non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany), would be an appropriate date to designate as Black Ribbon Day;
* We can’t forget the terror that millions of citizens in Central and Eastern Europe endured while under the ruthless repression of occupying and oppressive totalitarian states;
* H. Res. 790 follows similar legislation in the European Union, Council of Europe, and Canadian Parliament and it is now time for the United States to follow suit;
* The memories of Europe's tragic past should be remembered and this will honor the victims, condemn the perpetrators, and lay the foundation for reconciliation based on truth and remembrance.

The list of co-sponsors will be updated at Please contact your Member of Congress if he or she has not yet signed on. Your message will count, and makes a difference! Feel free to contact JBANC to let us know how your Member of Congress responded. Thank you!

• Congressional contact information:
• House Baltic Caucus member information: http://housebalticcaucus.webs....
• Capitol switchboard, for the telephone number of your Member of Congress at: (202) 224-3121
• JBANC:; Twitter @JBANCchatter and on Facebook.

Eestlased USAs