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Coalition talks in Estonia set to begin among Reform, Isamaa and SDE
11 Jun 2022 EWR Online
Isamaa leader Helir-Valdor Seeder, 2021. Photo: Lõ - pics/2022/06/59335_001_t.jpg
Isamaa leader Helir-Valdor Seeder, 2021. Photo: Lõ
After several days of uncertainty and speculation, Estonia's right-of-centre party Isamaa (Pro Patria) has decided to enter coalition negotiations with the Reform Party and the Social Democratic Party (SDE).

Prime Minister Kaja Kallas last week removed her coalition partner, the Centre Party, after it had voted down a government bill on primary education.

Isamaa had also an option to join previous coalition partners the Center Party together with the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE). The Center/EKRE/Isamaa coalition was last in office in January 2021; Isamaa was last in office with SDE and Reform in November 2016.

Isamaa leader Helir-Valdor Seeder noted that "We are aware that there are less than nine months left until the next elections, but an agreement must be reached during the coalition talks on issues related to Estonian-language education, child and family benefits, soaring inflation, security and energy issues. Isamaa will be demanding on these issues, but I am optimistic that we can find the necessary common ground."

It is now likely that the coalition can be formed relatively quickly among Reform, Isamaa and SDE. If the coalition talks fail, there is still an option to have extraordinary elections, never before tried in re-independent Estonia. Special elections would follow after a vote of no-confidence in Kaja Kallas and her Reform Party government.

Estonia's parlament (Riigikogu) has 101 seats. Reform has 34 seats, Isamaa 12 and SDE nine. Center has 26 seats and EKRE has 19 seats.

The next election of Riigikogu is scheduled to take place in less than nine months, on March 5, 2023.