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Come on OHIP - pay the doctors
19 Apr 2020 Olev Rood
My recent doctor’s visit was a virtual one. The doctor said he would
not be paid for months for the consult. When I asked why, he explained
that OHIP has bungled, yet again. The government issued new health
codes to be entered into their computers to account for virtual
treatment – by Zoom, Skype or by phone. All in the interest of
society, to keep movement of people down. Stick with physical
distancing. He added, that he still sees the occasional patient in
person, but that is being discouraged in family practice. For those,
he is getting paid. But since March 14th, not for the virtual ones,
which dominate today. That was the date when the government apparently
made their case with medicos for virtual consults. The government is
saying payment for such by June-July.

What an outrage in this day and age! Does the government not have
computer wizards on staff? The good MD told me that there are only
four virtual treatment codes for GPs. Why on earth could OHIP not
continue using the old ones, for which the system is set up
adequately? Consider also that with elective surgery cancelled due to
the pandemic specialists are not being paid either.

My doctor is about my age, a still practicing boomer, who loves his
chosen profession. I am retired, in the high-risk category for
catching the corona virus. No pre-existing conditions but I look after
my health, appreciate the top-notch care. A widower, living in a small
town, I have no problem with physical distancing, even grocery
shopping, getting exercise - for the vast majority here gets the
seriousness of the pandemic. Would hate to live in Toronto though.

What I read in Canada’s national newspaper yesterday is unbelievable.

A full-page ad, placed by the OMA (Ontario Medical Association).
Headline: “Doctor’s Office Closures Put Patient Care At Risk”.
Subtitle: “Hundreds of thousands of Ontarians could be affected
according to survey of Ontario doctors”. Bullet points to sum up the
gist of OMA’s position.

• Doctors are not government workers. Rather a small business, depend on OHIP.
• They have rent, salaries to pay, considerable overhead. Including insurance.
• No healthy pension, no benefits, like politicians have. They do not
qualify for government handouts
• Family physicians are the first line of defence, decision-making in
this pandemic.
• They make the call whether viral testing needs to be done, hospital
visits required.

Their ad states (They being the government) as follows: “They asked us
for our leadership… to help stop the spread of COVID-19, so we stayed
at work, while everyone stayed at home”. Further, doctors were asked
to worry only about patient care, “they said they’d have our backs”.

“They asked us to put our lives and the lives of our loved ones on the
line and said they’d help us by equipping us properly”. As the media
has reported, the first has been achieved, not the second. The ad
continues by stating that doctors, like mine, are still continuing to
do what is right for patients. But now the sustainability of Ontario’s
healthcare is at risk. Doctors adapted right away, OHIP did not.
Family doctors are essential workers, and no other essential service
workers “paid by the province are asked to serve the public for
nothing for the next few months”.

The Ontario government has been sneaky. The Toronto Sun (April 18)
published an article saying clinics are being offered support. Brian
Lilley is otherwise a sensible journalist, but he swallowed
hook-line-and-sinker the claim that doctors will be paid soon. The
government admitted that the OHIP computer system is antiquated. So
how can they pay MDs? The president of the OMA, Dr. Sohail Gandhi is
very balanced as per his frequent recent television interviews. (Dr.
Gandhi humourously says that he “has a face for radio”.)

Dr. Gandhi is quoted at the end of the Sun article that this claim,
offer does not meet the financial or timely needs of doctors. (Why not
at the beginning of the piece?) And has yet to be discussed by members
of the OMA. Underhanded politicians, pitting public opinion against
the doctors, hiding the truth. If something does not change soon
private practices and clinics may be forced to temporarily close. Is
that what the government really wants?

As has been often said - counter hysteria with calmness, reason and
trust in our society’s ability to pull through this affliction. And do
not always blindly believe the government.