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COMMENTARY: Where do Canadians stand on Wet’suwet’en solidarity blockades and reconciliation?
26 Feb 2020 EWR Online
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There's been copious amounts of expert commentary over the last couple of weeks about what Canadians think regarding Indigenous reconciliation and blockades.
Unfortunately, little of it reflects what Canadians actually think, but mostly what editorialists and advocates want them to. What the polling Ipsos has done for Global News shows about public opinion on these issues is that it is both complicated and counterintuitive.

Let’s start with politics.

The assumption in much of the commentary is that this is a highly political issue that must be affecting the prime minister’s reputation with Canadians. As it turns out, though, not so much.

Also watch: Talks between Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs and governments fall apart (Provided by Global News)

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