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29 Jul 2020 EWR Online
By Toomas Trei

After the Napoleonic Wars and the Congress of Vienna settlement in 1818, Europe’s industrialization was developing at a rapid pace. Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx were paid to develop a workers’ class based philosophy to help improve working conditions worldwide. Their Communist Manifesto called for violent overthrow of the existing social orders, eliminating God and private property rights, controlling education, consolidating all power into an autocratic government, while deferring financial power to the international banking cabal in the City of London. The Marx/Engels document, was released in 1848, at the same time as a wave of coordinated revolutions were occurring across cities in Europe. Though this philosophy would not dominate at this time, it would become the violent revolutionary and controlling philosophy for several autocratic governments, the first being the Schiff and Warburg financed Bolsheviks in Russia in 1917. Both of those bankers’ families were also part of the cabal involved in the secretive creation of the USA Federal Reserve, signed quietly into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913, after most state representatives had gone home for Christmas.

Though the communist philosophy was intended to mobilize the world’s industrialized workers, its greatest impact has been as the raison d’être to import violent revolutionary change to primarily agrarian societies, [Russia, China, Cuba], whereby with the killing of tens of millions of people, a society can be modernized/industrialized/lobotomized. The downstream Chinese global industrial success can be attributed to that government later moving towards a corporatist model, with all industry working closely under government guidance.
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In the mid 1920s, Italian philosopher Giovanni Gentile, [Manifesto of Fascist Intellectuals], became Dictator Benito Mussolini’s key advisor merging fascism with socialism, and state with corporate power into a nationalist, corporatist philosophy, unified under a one party dictatorship. This corporatist philosophy was presented to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s [FDR] first cabinet in 1933 by FDR’s financier and advisor Bernard Baruch, and that became that government’s ‘modus operendai’. FDR unleashed his New Deal, the largest public spending program to date, which included a Social Security network and the Tennessee Valley Authority projects, while confiscating private citizens’ gold and raising taxes up to 75% on the highest earners, creating the long ‘dirty thirties’ depression. Neither the American employment rate nor the economy improved significantly until the production of war materials commenced in the 1940s. In 1933, FDR was the first USA President to recognize the Bolsheviks’ Soviet Union government, while at the same time millions of Ukrainians were being starved to death in the Holmodor, during the Bolsheviks’ brutal farming collectivization.

From FDR’s time onward, the United States federal government has fundamentally been a one party, deep state dictatorship on the corporatist model. The USA deep state [DS] supports the ambitions of the banking families cabal, that privately owns the money creating Federal Reserve. These families do not act openly in a public manner, rather they quietly finance revolutions and upheaval as was done via Lenin and Trotsky in Russia. In America, they have had their loyalist ‘yellow jesters’, Edward Mandell House, Bernard Baruch, Allen Dulles, Henry Kissinger, and George Soros, advancing and financing their agenda, which includes making the USA into a lesser threat to their power. The cabal owned Council of Foreign Relations modifies America’s international ambitions to unify with Federal Reserve bankers’ objectives. History shows it does not matter whether Democrats or Republicans hold the high office. Most Presidents and politicians go along with this agenda for personal fame and fortune. Two Presidents who loved the people of their country more than the banking cartel, Abraham Lincoln and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, both printed money for their citizens at no charge from the US Treasury, and both were assassinated by the deep state agents.
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Through the FDR [D] years, and the Harry Truman [D] and Retired General Dwight Eisenhower [R] Presidencies, the DS agenda with CIA and Mossad support was comfortably in control. President Eisenhower in his farewell speech, had a sense of foreboding from what he was seeing, and stated, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

Eisenhower’s successor in 1960 was supposed to be Prescott Bush controlled Vice-President Richard Nixon. However that was not be, and independent thinking Democrat John F. Kennedy [JFK] became President. JFK fought the CIA and its Cuba ambitions, he reduced troops in Viet Nam, he printed USA currency outside of the Federal Reserve, and he tried to restrict Israel’s access to nuclear weapons. At the April 27, 1961 American Press Dinner, Catholic JFK in his ‘Secret Societies’ speech shared these thoughts; ” The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it … there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment ... we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding it’s fear of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. It’s preparations are concealed, not published. It’s mistakes are buried, not headlined. It’s dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned. No rumor is printed. No secret is revealed .” This threat to the DS was unacceptable in many of the deep state’s tentacles, and due to JFK’s popularity and a fairly certain second term, President Kennedy had to be eliminated .

With Vice President Lyndon Johnson [LBJ] assuming the Presidential Office, the deep state agenda was reactivated with the Gulf of Tonkin false flag to escalate the war in Viet Nam, no more USA money was printed by the USA Treasury, Israel was given more access to the nuclear program, and LBJ supported the official coverup of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in the Mediterranean during the Six Day War in 1967. The DS globalist agenda continued to control the President’s Office through the Richard Nixon [R] presidency, who was compromised by Prescott’s son, CIA director George H.W. Bush Sr. via Watergate, and as well through the unelected Gerald Ford [R} and Jimmy Carter [D] terms, during which time relations with communist China were initiated, and later ‘normalized’.

The next independent thinking USA President was Ronald Reagan [R] who took office in January 1981. A few months later on March 31, Vice President George Bush Sr.’s family friend John Hinckley attempted to assassinate President Reagan, which would have immediately raised VP Bush to President. Thankfully President Reagan survived, as his policies were responsible for one of the greatest Presidential achievements ever, the breaking down of the Soviet Union’s Iron Curtain and the freeing of 100 million Europeans from the yoke of communism, without one American casualty. Today, it is just these same Europeans, who were caught between the Nazi and the Bolshevik forces during World War II, that are now in the forefront resisting these revived autocratic forces, as they have experienced the evil and destruction of each of these philosophies.

Beginning in 1989 through the next 28 years to 2017, President George H.W. Bush’s [R] mantra, ”it is a big idea – a new world order”, was adopted by Presidents Bill Clinton [D], George Bush Jr. [R], and Barrack Obama [D], who provided smooth sailing for the DS globalist agenda, with assassinations, wars, the 9/11 inside job, and a multitude of lies foisted onto the world.
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In 2016, the deep state candidate Hillary Clinton was expected to win the Presidency , and she was to keep dismantling the United States into a weaker vassal state for the United Nations and the globalist banking cabal. However, the American working people wanted the policies of Donald Trump, which included an improved economy, jobs repatriation, a firm border, and trade balancing of imported products from China. That is why the outsider became President in 2017. Since then, the deep state has continually fabricated stories, made accusations and hounded Trump and anyone working with him. The six mainstream media cartels of the DS sing from the same song book, present the same DS story, work with the DS electronic social and search platform censors, and collaborate with the loyal DS nomenklatura and apparatchiks throughout all systems, as President Trump has found out.

For this November’s election, the corporatists’ and communists’ DS game plan is on full display with all activities directed at defeating President Trump. The Wuhan Flu, from either the ‘wet food markets’ or the Wuhan Research Lab, [where deep state asset Dr. Fauci invested $3.7 million (US) in 2014], caused the deaths of tens of thousands of vulnerable seniors, forced the closing of schools and activities for youth, wrecked havoc for entrepreneurial small and medium businesses owners and their workers, have had governments implement total citizens’ lockdown, with only the largest corporations operating and profiting. The mainstream media’s continued ‘pandemic’ fear push is meant to encourage this disproportionate economic lockdown, and the resulting record unemployment and bankruptcy levels. This lockdown, targeted at the entrepreneurial middle class, is an attempt to destabilize many Trump voters who had been doing well at the beginning of 2020.
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This communist program received additional impetus from an incident in the United States where a white policeman was videotaped first-degree murdering a restrained black suspect. Then the George Soros financed Antifa/BLM activists created another communist movement for worldwide chaos. Let the ‘pandemic’ locked-in people out. Defund the police. Defend violent events and destruction. Police stand down. No prosecutions take place. Mob street rule is the new religion, so closed churches are acceptable. Statues must be tumbled because the virtuous Antifa/BLM demand a complete rewrite of history. [Fortunately for them, this Orwellian 1984 themed type of work suits the skillset of many of today’s college students - with their work monitored by the technology platform censors.] All of these pernicious events are encouraged by the deep state to further weaken and paralyze Trump. The lockdowns and the deep state mob may help, “44 years in the public trough = deep state loyalist” Joe Biden, win the election. As their choice, he is an excellent candidate to follow George Bush Sr.’s ‘new world order’ plan having called its creation the ‘affirmative task before us’. When the novus ordu seclorum deep state wins, the average law abiding American citizen and tax payer loses.
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