Eestlased Kanadas | 27 May 2020 | EWR OnlineEWR
Attempts to re-develop or sell the Toronto Estonian House by the Toronto Estonian community for the past 10 years are well known and well published. It appears that Toronto Latvians are facing many similar problems with their Cultural Centre.
The LCCC Board answers to members questions:
The LCCC Board would like to thank Egils Fogels for his letter to the Board listing his, and other LCCC member concerns, about the future of the Latvian Centre. We share many of the same concerns that he brought to our attention. We share the same goals, the preservation and improvement of The Centre as well as Latvian culture. We hope that we are able to work together, as one large family, to ensure that we achieve our collective goals. You will find the answers below laid out in the same way as they were addressed to us:
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Grow up.
It is actually very much my business. I owned shares in ETCU, now in Northern Birch that has office in LCCC and perhaps owns some part of the building. NB has invested considerable sums into IEC with so far very little to show for it. Perhaps NB is scheming to sell LCCC and invest further monies into IEC, renaming it to IBC in the process. You know, consolidation of assets and efficiencies.
But then again, perhaps it is none of my business, as our dear leader famously said, once you vote for the board, you delegate all decision making to the board until next valimised. Rinse and repeat.
But then again, perhaps it is none of my business, as our dear leader famously said, once you vote for the board, you delegate all decision making to the board until next valimised. Rinse and repeat.
I very much doubt that this is any of your business.
Eestlased Kanadas