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Conference „Reducing Corruption: Focusing on private sector“
25 Jan 2016 EWR Online
Conference: "Reducing Corruption: Focusing on private sector“
Time: 11-12 February 2016
Location: Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia, Liivalaia 33, Tallinn, Estonia

Conference Abstract:
Corruption is something, which is most commonly associated with public sector. Public officials receiving bribes, procurement contracts concluded with related parties or expensive gifts are just a few examples to name. But what if the same transactions happened within the private sector? Would the acts be condemned to the same degree? Or condemned at all?

Corruption inside the private sector (private-to-private) is a subject that is not much discussed, however it may have serious consequences to the parties involved, varying from low morality of employees and loss of reputation for the company to unfair competition situation and distorted markets. Nevertheless not all companies and organisations are aware of possible measures to reduce corruption risks. Implementing an effective compliance management system or compliance programme can be challenging for any company, therefore experience from others and cases of good practice should be shared. Prevention can be viewed as a key aspect in reducing corruption and achieving transparent and ethical business culture.

Focusing not so much on regulation, but on prevention and detection of dishonest behaviour, the conference „Reducing Corruption: Focusing on private sector“ aims to bring together entrepreneurs, private sector managers and law enforcement officials to openly discuss these aspects. Sharing different viewpoints contributes to raising awareness about the problem.

Private-to-private corruption has received little attention as a research subject with even less data available on the extent of the phenomenon. To try to fill this cap, a comparative study among 1000 Danish and Estonian businessmen was conducted in 2015. The results of the study will be introduced during the conference, and questions as following will be answered: what is the extent of private corruption; what are its consequences; why private corruption takes place at all; what should be done in order to prevent the vice.

The conference brings together speakers from Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia and Spain. Although many businesses suffer from private corruption and private corruption is criminalized in the EU member states, only few cases are brought to law enforcement and prosecuted each year. During the two days, international aspects of fight against corruption are discussed and situation in different countries is introduced. To encourage fruitful discussion and sharing of knowledge, the conference comprises of panel sessions and practical workshops. Number of participants is limited, therefore it is suggested to register as soon as possible.


The conference is co-financed by the European Commission under the Prevention of and Fight against Crime programme (ISEC).