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Conspiracy theories and Russia
19 Nov 2021 Laas Leivat
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In recent years it’s been noted that Russia has been a prolific source and transmitter of conspiracy theories. And they have gained traction as intended.

Authoritarian regimes already control the spread of information. (Would anybody describe Russia as supportive of a free and independent press?) The autocratic ruler of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro maintains that the virus is a “fantasy”. Russia, with its political power consolidated by the Kremlin, has honed its techniques and established channels such as RT (Russia Today) and Sputnik.

Covid-19 has provided ample substance from which to weave tales for the gullible and those desperately craving a culprit: both Sputnik and RT have advanced the accusation that the virus was man-made by the Chinese as a weapon. Then depending on which is more detested, the US or UK made the virus as a possible weapon to attack the Chinese economy.

Other Covic-19 conspiracies that are utterly bizarre or cannot be confirmed by any amount of scrutiny: Covid simple is a marketing ploy by large pharmaceutical firms – it doesn’t really exist; the frequencies of the new wireless technology has created the virus and impaired the human immune system (in fact over 60 masts transmitting wireless frequencies have been set afire); the vaccination campaign is a ruse for the secret injection of microchips that will enable the tracking of all our movements and thoughts; etc.

(Pikemalt saab lugeda Eesti Elu 19. novembri 2021 paber- ja PDF/digilehest)