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Coronavirus: The dangerous misinformation of Wolfgang Wodarg March 20, 2020
30 Mar 2020 EWR Online
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March 20, 2020 engnews24h
When nonsense circulates, journalists are in a bind. Should they correct the misinformation and thus offer the author a platform? Or should they just ignore the nonsense?
In the case of Wolfgang Wodarg, the latter is unfortunately no longer an option. Wodarg can show expertise – and its content is probably taken more seriously than the contributions of some obviously unqualified strangers who go online (here and here).

Wodarg studied medicine and headed the health office of the city of Flensburg. The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore awarded him a scholarship and he was from 1994 to 2009 for the SPD in the German Bundestag. Now the man explains in two videos on YouTube, which are currently spreading news and social media, that the measures against the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 are “scaremongering”.

Questionable sources
He claims that coronaviruses have been circulating in the population for a long time, are constantly mutating and have thus always contributed to the numerous deaths during the flu season. It can only be said whether there is a new, dangerous virus if it is clear that more people have died of respiratory infections this winter than usual.

The fact that the virus is now receiving so much attention is solely due to the fact that a test is available that can make researchers important and make money, said Wodarg. This test may not be able to reliably detect the new virus.

Wodarg cleverly argues. Many of his basic statements are correct. He creates trust, even with people who are familiar with medical issues. His conclusions seem conclusive if you stick to your logic. If you take a closer look, you can tell that his videos are to be enjoyed with caution only by the YouTube channels in which they appeared.

In addition to Wodarg's theses, one of them spreads conspiracy theories from the imperial milieu, about chemtrails and Satan. The other channel belongs to a freelance filmmaker who wants to use crowdfunding to collect tens of thousands of euros for a film about the “virus craze”....