See artikkel on trükitud:
Dear friend of the lowly mushroom,
24 Jul 2005 EWR Online
Dear friend of the lowly mushroom,

This is your last notice for the season about our mushroom Foray, Sep 2-5 at Killdevil Lodge in Gros Morne. Not only the last notice, but the last time to effect any savings. After Jul 31 there is no discount for early registration - register now and save.

This yr's foray promises to be the best ever, well worth checking out, if you've been uncertain. The Labrador Foray is closed, but there is still room in the main foray at Killdevil in Gros Morne. Soyez du nombre!

If you are at all interested, register now. Please go to our web site for info and registration forms

If you have already registered, please forgive the intrusion - I tried to avoid double notification but may have missed an address or two.

Finally, if you are not interested in this (how is that possible?) and do not wish to get future notices in future yrs, please reply saying so and I'll remove your name from our list, simple. No use cluttering up your mailbox for nudding.