Eesti Elu
Eesti Elu 6. juuni paberlehest EST ENG
Eestlased Kanadas | 07 Jun 2014  | Eesti Elu
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*70 Years Ago

As the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings approaches, we are reminded of the atrocities, waste and human suffering of war. The Second World War was devastating in so many ways: forced migrations, concentration camps, evacuations, forced laborers, refugees, POWs, countless wounded soldiers and civilians, destroyed cities, disrupted transportation systems, the European economy in ruins and millions dead. Choices were dictated by geography, birth, nationality, religion, money, family and friends.

After D-Day most Estonians knew the war was drawing to an end, and feared the reprisals of the Red Army and return of the NKVD. Still hoping the Atlantic Charter would guarantee a return to an independent state, Estonians parted promising, “See you in the spring.”

Roughly 80,000 Estonians escaped before the country was again occupied by the Soviet Union in September 1944. It is estimated that between 6-7% (5,000) were lost at sea either due to shelling or weather or subsequent bombings in Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig etc. Given the sinking of the Moeru (2,000), Nordstern (500) and shelling of RO22 (100), the countless boats that sunk due to storms in the Baltic Sea, the estimated number of Estonians who died may be understated.


(Pikemalt EE 6. juuni paberlehes)

Some facts about people moving to, and leaving Estonia.
Emigration into Estonia grew by1459 individuals.

In comparison to 2012 there were 1459 more people moving to Estonia in 2013. But 6740 left Estonia last year as opposed to 4098 emigrating into Estonia. That left a balance of -2642 in 2013 and -3682 in 2012.

Ninety five percent of those leaving Estonia and 60% of those moving to Estonia were Estonian citizens.

This data indicates that here has been a growth in emigration into Estonia over the last two years. Most have emigrated from Finland over the years, in fact some one quarter come from Finland. Emigrants from Russia, 23% and Ukraine, 8%, were also countries from where significant numbers arrived.

Compared to earlier years arrivals have increased from the UK as well as from Ireland. This is due to the relatively sizable movement of people from Estonia to those two countries in years previous. Arrivals from European countries have been mostly repatriating individuals, those returning to Estonia.

(Pikemalt EE 6. juuni paberlehes)

Laulupidu läheneb!

Sirje Vihma-Normet
Näituse „Tartu laulupeotegelaste klavereid“ koostaja on helilooja Alo Põldmäe.

Eestis ringi liikudes on kõikjal märgata, et laulupidu on tulemas. Ühe võimsama märgi on maha pannud Eesti Rahvuslik Klaverimuuseum, mis Alo Põldmäe eestvedamisel avas 30. mail Tartus Maarja kirikus näituse „Tartu laulupeotegelaste klavereid“.

Tartu Maarja kiriku pastor Adalbert Willigerode oli esimese üldlaulupeo komitee president ja teisel üldlaulupeol pasunakooride dirigent. Just Maarja kirikus toimus 17. juunil 1869 oluline sündmus - esimese üldlaulupeo vaimuliku kontserdi esimene kokkulaulmine ja peaproov. Kunagi varem polnud Eestis nii suur koor üheskoos laulnud - laulupeokooris oli kokku 800 lauljat.

(Pikemalt EE 6. juuni paberlehes)
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