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Eesti kirikud
St. Peter’s Internship Program
Eesti keeles vaata allpool. St. Peter’s current Congregational Council proposed a career development program for Estonian Theological students in ...
FOTOD: Jõulujumalateenistused Peetri kirikus
Pühapäeval, 24. detsembril toimusid Toronto Peetri kirikus jõulujumalateenistused inglise ja eesti keeles. Ingliskeelse teenistuse pidas pastor ...
Jõulujumalateenistused Peetri kirikus
Pühapäeval, 24. detsembril toimuvad Toronto Peetri kirikus jõulujumalateenistused. Kell 11.30 peab ingliskeelset teenistust pastor Pamela Kormano ...
2023 Craft Show and Guild Café at St. Peter's VIDEO
Thank you to all the vendors, volunteers, scouts, bakers, silent auction & raffle donors, Enno Agur for leading us in carol singing, Erik Veski ...
St. Peter’s Christmas Craft Show and Café – Jõululaat – November 12th
Don’t be a Christmas shopping procrastinator!
A 2020 survey by Klarna, revealed that 79% of U.S. consumers leave their holiday shopping to the ...
Olen kui haljas ...
,,Olen kui haljas õlipuu“ Ps 52.10. Vanavanemate pühapäeval, 10. septembril kogunes, halle vihmapilvi trotsides, York kalmistu N ossa ...
First Estonian-language Lutheran service was held in Toronto 75 years ago
On August 29, 1948, 75 years ago, the first Estonian-language Lutheran service took place at St. John's Lutheran Church in Toronto. Pastor ...
A focus on unity VIDEO
It was a distinct pleasure to participate in the service commemorating the regaining of Estonian independence at St. Peter’s Estonian Lutheran ...
Linda Leppik – St. Peter’s Newest Centenarian
In the world of flowers, roses are bold. They immediately grab your attention and say “Here I am, look at me”. Then there are those flowers ...
Talgud at St. Peter's
The Estonian word “talgud” means to gather to carry out a major task, or cooperate in voluntary work, and this is exactly what occurred last week ...
St. Peter’s Women’s Guild Resumes activities
After almost three years of not getting together due to Covid, the Ladies Guild held a meeting on Thursday, July 13th. The group was overjoyed at ...
What’s New at St. Peter’s?
On June 25th, St. Peter’s congregation members bade farewell to Pastor Mart Salumäe, who after 12 years of service, returns to his ...
Toronto Peetri kirikus tegutsenud kunagine külalispastor on korda saatnud kõlblusevastase väärteo
Õhtuleht kirjutas täna hommikul, et EELK kirikuvalitsus peatas Jaan Tammsalu tegevuse Tallinna Jaani koguduse õpetajana, sest Tammsalu olevat ...
Toronto Peetri Kirik mälestas 14. juunil küüditamise aastapäeva
Toronto Peetri Kirik mälestas 14. juunil küüditamise aastapäeva küünla süütamisega ja vaikse palvega meie pühalikus ja ajaloolises ...
A New beginning for St. Peter’s Church
Wednesday, May 31st, 2023 was a historic date in the timeline of St. Peter’s church. As every reader is aware, there have been varying opinions ...
St. Peter’s Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Toronto: Background of its current situation
A lot of misinformation about our congregation and Council has appeared in Eesti Elu and the Estonian World Review. The Council of St. Peter’s ...
Väino Einola – There is no Business Case to sell St. Peter's
On May 19, 2023, The Congregational Council presented for the first time a comprehensive backgrounder on their rationale for dealing with what they ...
EELK Toronto Peetri koguduse hetkeseis ja selle tagapõhi
Eesti Elus, Estonian World Review’s ning sotsiaalmeedias on ilmunud palju desinformatsiooni meie koguduse ja juhatuse kohta. Peetri koguduse ...
Toronto Peetri kirikus said leeriõnnistuse 9 noort
Toronto Peetri kirikus said pühapäeval, 7. mail leeriõnnistuse 9 eesti kogukonna noort. Leeriõpetuse käisid läbi Jaak Hemingway, Annely Kütt, ...
Toronto Preservation Board recommends to include St. Peter's Estonian church in Heritage Register VIDEO
The Toronto Preservation Board met on April 24th, 2023 to discuss the inclusion of several properties in the city's Heritage Register. St. ...
Reet Marten Sehr: it is a lie that our community is disappearing
The most egregious lie about our community is that we are disappearing, writes Reet Marten Sehr on social media. At the same time, St. Peter’s ...
Teoloogias peab õppima nägema mitte ühte Piibli lauset, vaid tervikut - EK
Pärast 12 aastat Kanada Toronto Peetri koguduse teenimist ja Põhja-Ameerika praostkonna praosti ameti pidamist naaseb õp Mart Salumäe suvel ...
Friends of St. Peter's appeal for help
Close to 2000 people have signed the petition to Save St. Peter’s Estonian Evangelical Church.
Many have spoken eloquently about the need to ...
A symbol of the Estonian diaspora in danger of disappearing - G&M
In her inimitable style, Globe and Mail society columnist Zena Cherry described the Estonian-Finnish wedding of Helvi Vickholm and Jaak Iir on June ...
St. Peter’s Church: Disappeared as if it had Never Existed, or Preserved for Generations to Come?
Why have Ukrainians from the outset of the invasion of their homeland rushed to pile sandbags to protect their churches and other cultural landmarks? ...
Open letter to the Congregational Council of St. Peter’s Church
Re: Letter dated March 10, 2023, “Invitation to a Special Meeting” of St. Peter’s Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Our most active ...
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