Eestlased Kanadas
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Eestlased Rootsis
Eestlased Inglismaal
Eestlased Saksamaal
Eestlased USAs
Eestlased Venemaal
Eestlased Soomes
Eestlased Ukrainas
Eestlased Eestis
Rohkem ...
Rohkem ...
Eesti kirikud
A symbol of the Estonian diaspora in danger of disappearing - G&M
In her inimitable style, Globe and Mail society columnist Zena Cherry described the Estonian-Finnish wedding of Helvi Vickholm and Jaak Iir on June ...
St. Peter’s Church: Disappeared as if it had Never Existed, or Preserved for Generations to Come?
Why have Ukrainians from the outset of the invasion of their homeland rushed to pile sandbags to protect their churches and other cultural landmarks? ...
Open letter to the Congregational Council of St. Peter’s Church
Re: Letter dated March 10, 2023, “Invitation to a Special Meeting” of St. Peter’s Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Our most active ...
Olev Maimets: How to really save St. Peter's
It's unfortunate that this broken record has to be allowed to continue playing. However, it seems many in our community still don't get ...
Toomas Trei: Why Sell St. Peter’s?
At the Toronto St. Peter's Estonian Church's Congregational Meeting on September 27, 2020, the St. Peter’s Board told its members that ...
Tõnu Naelapea: More on the columbarium
Thanks to both this site and Eesti Elu many in our community are aware that as of February 18th anyone with concerns regarding the proposed closing ...
Closing the Columbarium at St. Peter's Church cannot be morally justified
It is with a great deal of dismay that I learned that the Executive of St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church has applied for an application to ...
From pulpit to politics
It has come as a surprise to many in the Toronto Estonian Community that the minister of St. Peter's Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dean ...
Friends of St. Peter’s unveil their plan for revitalization
Friends of St. Peter’s invite all members of the church to attend the next Täiskogu (congregational members) meeting at St Peter's Church, to ...
Notice from St. Peter's Church Congregational Council
The Congregational Council of St. Peter's Church has consulted with the ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada) synod to clarify the ...
Elusõnad kalmistul. Vana Andrese koguduse surnuaiapüha
Taevas oli küll hall ja pilvine, aga ilm oli selgi korral lootusrikkam, kui ilmatargad olid rahvale ennustada söandanud. „Suvi on vanaks ...
St Peter’s Church – A new focus – Part 3
Our proposed plan for the long-term financial sustainability for St. Peter’s church is divided into 3 parts.
In Part I, we identified that the ...
St. Peter’s Church: a new focus – Part 2
Our Plan for the long-term financial sustainability for St. Peter’s Church was divided into 3 Parts.
1. Value analysis and cost savings
2. Revenue ...
St Peter’s Church: A new focus – Part 1
We have a plan to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of St. Peter’s Church. We have divided our plan into three parts:
1. Value ...
Estonia: Martyred bishop’s message of peace amid war in Europe
As Estonia marks the 31st anniversary since its independence from the Soviet Union, the foreign ministry hosts an exhibit on the life of Archbishop ...
Community Voices Concerning Future of St. Peter’s Church
In order to hear from members of St. Peter's and the community, an ongoing survey is being conducted to ascertain the concerns, ideas, and ...
Cracks in St. Peter’s governance - response to Olev Maimets
There is a perception that the church is dealing with a financial crisis that will inevitably lead to insolvency. But in reality, this is a ...
Saving the Church - Integrity and Leadership
Our mission began with the simple objective of preventing a misguided church executive from acting on a resolution wrongfully passed to close our ...
St. Peter’s Church - A transformation Plan
Are we facing imminent bankruptcy?
No, clearly we are not. The most recent financial statements do not support the assertion that the church is ...
A vision for the Future of St. Peter’s Church
The Friends of St. Peter’s believe that with a proper Management Plan and committed leadership, St. Peter’s can be a part of our lives and the ...
Notice from St. Peter’s Church
We are aware of the article "A Sacred Trust: Who Decides the Future of the Columbarium of St. Peter's" submitted by the "Friends ...
A Sacred Trust: Who decides the future of the columbarium of St. Peter’s Church?
The Congregational Council of St. Peter’s Church has acknowledged as null and void a resolution passed at the March 13, 2022 meeting of the ...
Tuhkapäev Agricolas
Vana-Andrese kogudus, nime saanud Püha Andrew pühamu ostmise järgselt, oli sunnitud ajaloolisest Jumala hoonest kolima, kui kahasse ostetud ...
Veel kolumbaariumist
Peetri koguduse juhatusel on suureks murelapseks ja kohustuseks, et kui läbi viia kavad pühamu müüki panna, siis kuidas lahendada ...
Peetri koguduse täiskogu koguneb 13. märtsil
Tuletame meelde, et 27. septembril 2020 a. toimunud täiskogu koosolekul hääletati selle poolt, et anda juhatusele mandaat kiriku kinnistu ostja ...
The General Assembly of St. Peter’s Church to meet on March 13
As you are aware, the General Assembly voted on September 27, 2020 to give the Congregational Council the mandate to seek buyers for the property. ...
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