Eesti Kunstide Keskus ja Estonian Studies Centre kokkulepe säilitamaks kunstikogu Eesti Elu (5)
Teadaanded | 02 Nov 2019 | EL (Estonian Life)Eesti Elu
Estonian Arts Centre (Eesti Kunstide Keskus) (EKK) ja Estonian Studies Centre (ESC), mõlemad heategevuslikud organisatsioonid, on jõudnud kokkuleppele EKK kunstikogu paremaks hoiustamiseks. EKK kunstikogu on olnud hoiustatud Toronto Eesti Majas, mille seis ei taga kunstile piisavaid säilitustingimusi. Estonian Studies Centre'il Tartu College'is on vastavad turvalised ruumid ja kliimaseadmed, mis hoiavad keskkonna konstantsemana kunstitööde pika ajalise säilimiseks. EKK korrastab kogu ja annab kollektsiooni üle ESC'le koos rahalise toetusega riiulite ja muu hoiustamise soetamiseks. Seega EKK teatab, et lõpetab kunstitöödest koosneva annetuste vastuvõtmise ning tänab kõiki toetajaid ja annetajaid.
Viimased kommentaarid
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Due Diligence
Please explain how EKK and/or the Estonian Studies Centre are connected to the Madison project.
Please explain how EKK and/or the Estonian Studies Centre are connected to the Madison project.
I have reached out to Eesti Maja to allow me to remove my father's art that is currently displayed at the Estonian house.
My father's work is not valuable - like the art the is being transferred to Tartu College.
I believe all art that is not deemed of any value might be sold off or just trashed.
Thus my request to take back home my father's art .... I did speak with Ingrid at the office about this and I have not had a reply
My father's work is not valuable - like the art the is being transferred to Tartu College.
I believe all art that is not deemed of any value might be sold off or just trashed.
Thus my request to take back home my father's art .... I did speak with Ingrid at the office about this and I have not had a reply
What was conveniently not mentioned was the fact that EKK had $170,000 sitting in their bank account. How much will get diverted to the Madison project ?