Eesti Päevad 2024 Adelaide, South Australia
Eestlased Austraalias | 25 Sep 2024  | EWR OnlineEWR
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Message from Adelaide: Planning is well underway for the 29th Eesti Päevad 2024 (EP2024) to be held in Adelaide, South Australia, from 27 – 31 December 2024 and we hope to have an interesting and exciting programme of events for you.

This is an opportunity to celebrate our Estonian culture and renew old friendships as we reflect on the exodus from Estonia 80 years ago in September 1944 and our migration to Australia. We encourage you to keep monitoring our advertising as we release more information on the events planned for each day of the festival.
Eesti Päevad 2024 to be held in Adelaide, South Australia. Full list of events from 27-31 December 2024.

Estonians have been holding Eesti Päevad in Australia since 1954. The first Australian Estonian festival was held in Sydney. Since then, the festivals have been held every 2-3 years in turn, in Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide.
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Eestlased Austraalias
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