Eesti Sihtkapitali Kanadas
Eestlased Kanadas | 26 Nov 2009  | EWR
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Eesti Sihtkapitali Kanadas Sündmuste Ringkiri/ National Estonian Foundation of Canada Event Listings Newsletter
Akadeemilse Kodu Cantus Õhtu 2009 v2.0
Neljapäeval, 26. novembril, 2009, Algusega kell 19:30/ Thursday, Nov. 26, 2009 at 7:30pm
Tartu College, 310 Bloor St. W, Toronto, ON

Pakutakse veini, õlut ja suupisteid. Sissepääs tasuta. 40+ Viroonlast Eestist külas!
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Ann Arbor, Michigan:
KLENK 2009: Sopruspaevad Ann Arbor, Michigan'is
26. - 29. novembril, 2009
Neljapäev, 26. november
„KLENK-i Kamber“ on avatud vara kohale saabunutele
18.00 ühine õhtusöök hotellis
20.00 Eesti filmi „Detsembrikuumus“ esitlus
Reede, 27. november
10.00 – 12.00 pakume huvilistele väljasõitu lähedal asuvasse University of Michigan'i botaanika-aeda, kus kasvuhoones leidub eksootilisi taimi ja puid.
14.00 Kas kannel on kannel? Tiit Kao (Fergus, ON)
15.00 EÜS Põhjala — minevikust tänapäevani Rannar Airik (Ann Arbor, MI)
20.00 Popurrii — muusikat ja muud.
Laupäev, 28. november
9.30 Üldkoosolek. Ootame kõigi osavõttu.
10.00 Tartu Laulupidu Taavo Virkhaus (Huntsville, AL)
11.00 Unustatud Balti rahvaste laulud — Arvi Sinka (Troy, MI)
12.00 Lõunapaus
14.00 American in an Estonian Environment — Harry Kansman (Wixom, MI)
15.00 Eesti kunsti lugu — Lehti Keelmann (Ann Arbor, MI)
19.00 Sõpruspidu. Tasuline baar. Õhtusöök.
Õhtusöögist osavõtjail palutakse teatada Linda Einpaulile tel. 313-561-7135 või e-maili teel enne 21. novembrit.
Pühapäev, 29. november
Huvilised võivad külastada kohalikke vaatamisväärsusi:
UM Museum of Art (Külalisnäitus: "Impressionism: Photography and Painting along the Normandy Coast, 1850 - 1874", koos originaaltöödega)
UM Museum of Archaeology
UM Museum of Natural History
UM Botanical Gardens

Holiday Inn, 3600 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
Hotell asub 25 minuti sõidu kaugusel Detroit Metro Airport'ist. Hwy. 23, Exit 41 „Plymouth Road“, kohe SW nurgal.
Lennuväljal on saaadaval taksod ja minibussid Ann Arborisse ($30 - $40 üks ots).
Reservatsioonid palutakse teha ainult telefoni teel: 734-769-9800. Nimetades Midwest Estonian Association'i (KLENK-i) on tuba $89 ööpäev, maksimum neli inimest ühes toas. Soovi korral võib pikendada viibimist kuni esmaspäevani.
Hotellis on kõik harilikud spordi- ja mänguruumid ning sisebassein.
Hotelli võrguleht:

PILETID: Kohapeal saadaval: • Loengud reedel $5 (terve päev) • Loengud laupäeval $10 (terve päev) • Sõpruspidu $35

INFORMATSIOON: Linda Einpaul 313-561-7135 or Loit Maripuu 734-663-0238
Montreal i Eesti Pensionäride Klubi/ Montreal Estonian Pensioners Club
Mardi ja Kadripäev - esineb Ralf Kall/ St. Martin's and St. Catherine's Day - Presentation by Ralf Kall
Reedel, 27. novembril kell 13:00/ Friday, Nov 27th at 1pm
St. John's Estonian Ev. Lutheran Church Hall
Rasmus Lumi lahkub Kanadast tagasi Eestisse, kuna tema ametiaeg on lõppule jõudnud. Ta tuleb Montreali koos tema asetäitjaga, Riho Kruuviga, reedel 27. novembril 2009 Montreali Pensionäride Klubi kokkutulekule alates kell 1.p.l. Kõik kes soovivad neid kohata on teretulemast koosviibimisele.

Rasmus Lumi will be returning to Estonia before Christmas, as his term is up as the Estonian Charge d'affaires in Canada. His replacement is Riho Kruuv who will be in Montreal (along with Rasmus), on Friday, November 27th, 2009 starting at 1pm at the regular get-together of Montreal Estonian Pensioners Club at St. John's Estonian Church. Everyone is welcome to come and meet with them.
Please follow this link: Montreal Estonian Events
Toronto (Ward's Island):
Laine Raja Raudsepa Maalid ja Graafika "Fractal Perspectives"/ Laine Raja Raudsepp's "Fractal Perspectives" Art Exhibit
Laupäeval, 28. novembril/ Saturday, Nov. 28th
Rectory Cafe and Gallery
A combination of oil & mixed media paintings and black & white inkwork prints mimicked by one another with organic subject matter in abstracted views. Rudimentary icons and shapes used repetitively to form a separate idea while being unified by the natural elements of the Earth.
Latvian Christmas Craft and Bake Sale
Laupäeval, 28. novembril/ Saturday, Nov 28th - 10:00 - 15:00
Pühapäeval, 29. novembril/ Sunday, Nov 29th - 12:00 - 14:00

The Latvian community's annual Christmas Craft and Bake sale will take place at the usual place: Peace Latvian Lutheran Church, 83 Main (at Lees).
Popular Latvian baked goods, woodcraft, ceramics, cards, Christmas decor, white elephant table, and as usual coffee, snacks, lunch and good company available.
For further details contact Diana Anderson at 613-523-7730
Follow this link for more information: Ottawa Events
Eesti Vabadusvõitlejate Liit Kanadas korraldusel toimub
Eesti Vabadussõja Alguse 91-se Aastapäeva Pidulik Tähistamine
Pühapäeval, 29. novembril 2009 kell 14.00/ Sunday, November 29th, 2009 at 2pm
Toronto Eesti Majas/ Toronto Estonian House
Päevakohane kõne: Skautmaster Jaan Lepp
Muusikalised ettekanded "Viisivennad", Kalev Estienne võimlejad, Rikkalik külm laud veiniga.
Pääsmed $30.00 isikult.
Kohtade reserveerimiseks palume helistada: John Reinoja, tel. 416-622-4396
Keynote Speaker: Scoutmaster Jaan Lepp
Musical preformance by "Viisivennad", Kalev Estienne gymnastics team, traditional Estonian food and wine.
Admission: $30.00 per person.
For reservations please phone John Reinoja at 416-622-4396
Detsember/ December:
New York:

Kertu-Liina Karjus'e kunstinäitus "Eesti Naised"/ Art Exhibition by Kertu-Liina Karjus (Estonia) "Estonian Women"
December 2009
Sari "Eesti Naised" (8 tööd) on inspireeritud kaunitest eesti rahvarõivaste mustritest ja eesti naiste käsitööskusest. Näitus on üleval kuni 30. detsembrini 2009.a. New Yorgi Eesti Majas.
NY Estonian House. The series "Estonian Woman" is inspired by the Estonian national costumes and the craftsmanship of Estonian women. The exhibition is free and open to the public through December 2009.
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Eh!U European Film Festival: Meet the Europeans presents:
Estonian Film: "Georg"
Teisipäeval, 1. detsembril kell 6 p.l./ Tuesday, Dec. 1st at 6pm
The Royal Cinema, 608 College (at Clinton), Toronto ON
D irector: Peeter Simm, With: Marko Matvere, Anastasia Makeyeva,
Renars Kaupers, Elle Kull, 2007, 107 minutes

Opera singer Georg Ots' captivating, rich baritone made him a household name throughout the Soviet Union. In this biographical drama, his story is seen through the eyes of his former wife and tells of the singer's stratospheric rise to fame, his turbulent marriages, as well as his dealings with the totalitarian Soviet state. He was forced by mobilization to join the Red Army after the Soviet occupation of Estonia in 1940 and, despite gaining fame in the USSR and Finland, he was denied a chance to perform in the rest of Europe.
For more info on the film festival please follow this link: Eh!U Film Festival
For the film's website, follow this link: Georg Film
Eesti Elu article: Eesti Film Georg
Pensionäride Klubi Koosviibimine
Neljapäeval, 3. detsembril kell 1.p.l./ Thursday, Dec. 3rd at 1pm
Toronto Eesti Majas/ Toronto Estonian House
Tulge Kõik! Kavas: Pensionäri pajatusi ja tervitusi - Heikki Paara, Vaimliku Kõne - pastor Jüri Puusaag, Meeskvartett laulab ajakohaseid laule - magister Charles Kipperi klaverisaatel, Mõttemõlgutusi Pensionäri Elust - tuttav pensionär, Ühislaule - pensionäride pianisti, Toivo Kõheliku saatel.
Lõunalaual on ikka tuntud hõrgutisi, teed ja kohvi. Armsad Pensionärid! Tooge kaasa oma sõbrad ja tuttavad! Pääsmed - $12. Klubi liikmeile - $10. Klubi liikmemaks on $10.- aastas.
European Union Film Festival in Vancouver presents:
Estonian Film "Georg"
Reedel, 4. detsembril kell 21:30/ Friday, Dec 4th at 9:30pm
Pacific Cinematheque, 1131 Howe St., Vancouver BC
For more information about this film in Vancouver: EU Film Festival BC
New York:
NY Eesti Maja Verivorstide Talgud/ Blood Sausage Party at the NY Estonian House
Laupäeval, 5. detsembril kell 2 pl - 6 pl/ Saturday, Dec. 5th from 2pm to 6pm
New York Estonian House
Tule ja õpi valmistama maitsvaid jõuluvorste! Koos toreda seltskonnaga saad valmistada verivorste ning iga oseleja saab kaks rõngast endaga koju kaasa viia. Isetegemise rõõm on ikka see kõige suurem rõõm. Osavõtt: $15.00. Registreerida palume hiljemalt 02. detsembriks 2009.
Info: või

If you want to make your own blood sausages, join us on Saturday, Dec 5th, at 2pm to 6pm. We offer a good company and every participant will have the opportunity to take 2 ring-shaped sausages to go. Cover: $15.00. Please do confirm your participation before Dec 2nd, 2009.
Info: or
Toronto Eesti Meeskoori
60 Juubeli Aasta Jõulukontsert/ 60th Anniversary Christmas Concert
Pühapäeval, 6. detsembril kell 2pl/ Sunday, Dec 6th at 2pm
Eesti Maja Suures saalis/ Estonian House Grand Ballroom
Toronto Eesti Meeskoor plus DCAT Choir plus Soloist
Sissepääs $20/ Admission $20
Lakewood, NJ:
A new season of cooking is here! Participants get hands-on experience preparing these traditional dishes in the Estonian House, Lakewood kitchen:
Sunday, December 6, 12 noon
This is Bloody Saturday! We are preparing the quintessential Estonian Christmas Eve dinner—Verivorstid. There will be enough for the participants to take some rings home. Be forewarned—the preparation is lots of fun but bloody.

Admission: $10 for participants (limit 10), $5 for onlookers (limit 6)
Space is limited, so reserve your spot with Karin: tel. 732-446-7615,
More Info Follow this Link: Joy Of Cooking NJ
Montreali Eesti Pensionäride Klubi/ Montreal Estonian Pensioners Club:
Ettekanne: Reis Eestis Kihnu Saarele/ Presentation: My Trip to Kihnu
Reedel, 11. detsembril kell 13:00/ Friday, Dec. 11th at 1pm
Esineb Anne Altosaar.
Presentation by Anne Altosaar.
Tartu College'i Kultuuriprogramm
Lugemisteater ILUTULI
11. detsembril 2009.a. kell 18.00/ December 11, 2009 at 6pm
Tartu College'i Suures Saalis/ Tartu College, 310 Bloor St. W.
Kohtumisõhtu Eesti maalikunstniku ja kirjaniku Tommas Vint'iga. Kohtumine toimub Skypei vahendusel. Kõigil kohalviibijatel võimalus küsimusi esitada intervjueerivad ILUTULI trupi liikmed. Tehniline teostus Rein Ende ja Peeter Piil. Näitus, Puhvet, Sissepääs kohapeal $15.

Meet and greet with Estonian painter and writer Toomas Vint. The meeting will take place via Skype. All those present will have the opportunity to ask questions to members of the ILUTULI troupe. Technical aspects - Peter Piil and Rein Ende. Exhibition - Buffet - $ 15
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Dance Cafe presents their 8th Annual
Christmas Dance
Friday, December 11, 2009
Eesti Majas/ Grand Ballroom of the Estonian House
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Come celebrate the Holiday season - no shopping required!
Rumba lesson - 8pm - 8:45pm, Dancing - 8:45 - Midnight
Tickets: $20, Cash Bar, Dessert Buffet, Door Prizes. DJ'ed by Dance Cafe - Ballroom, Latin, Swing and Argentine Tango
For information call: 416-466-2685 or email
Please Visit: Dance Cafe
New York:
Kutsume kõiki New Yorgi Eesti Kooli Jõulupuule/ NY Estonian School Christmas Party
Laupäeval, 12. detsembril kell 11:00/ Saturday, Dec 12th at 11am
New Yorgi Eesti Majas/ New York Estonian House
Peakosul hr. Jaanus Kirikmäe, Praost Uudo Tari, Jõuluvana
Õpilaste ettendused Jõuluvanale. Noortele külalistele kingikottid. Peale aktust lastele loterii. Müügil Sarina Ashford'i kujundatud. NY Eesti Kooli t-särgid ja "Linnutee" üksuse küpsetatud piparkoogid.
New York:

NY Eesti Maja Jõululaat/ NY Estonian House Christmas Bazaar
Laupäeval, 12. detsembril kell 2 p.l. kuni 6 p.l./ Sat. Dec. 12th from 2pm to 6pm
NY Eesti Majas/ NY Estonian House
Ootame kõiki traditsioonilisele jõululaadale nii müüma kui ka ostma. Toimub ka raamatulaat! Igaüks võib tuua oma raamatuid, mis läbi loetud või mis raamaturiiulisse enam ei mahu, laadale vahetamiseks või müümiseks. Müüjad või raamatute vahetajad, kas soovivad tulla oma laadakaupa müüma või raamatuid vahetama palume sellest teatada enne 07. detsembrit 2009. Raamatuvahetajad peavad oma raamatud isa kohale transportima ning peale laata uuesti tagasi viia.
Einelaud ja baar avatud. Täpsem Info: (212)684-0336, email

Come and enjoy our traditional Christmas Bazaar! In addition to interesting things to buy for Christmas, this year you can swap books with other readers. Bring your used books in good condition and trade them for new-to-you books. All vendors, including swappers, should reserve a table by contacting us before Dec 7, 2009.
Info: (212)684-0336. email
Vancouver Eesti Seltsi Jõulupuu/ Vancouver Estonian Society Christmas Party
Pühapäeval, 13. detsembril/ Sunday, Dec 13th
Lastele Jõulupuu. Children's Christmas gathering.
Ühing Eesti Suvekodud Jõekäärul Erakorraline Peakoosolek
Esmaspäeval, 14. detsembril kell 6:30 p.l. - 9:30 p.l./ Monday, Dec 14th from 6:30 - 9:30pm
Toronto Eesti Majas, Klassiruum #11/ Toronto Estonian House, Classroom #11
Info: Eevi Novek, esinaine , (705)228-8280
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TES Keskkooli ja Gümnaasiumi jõulupuu/ Toronto Estonian High School Christmas Party
Esmaspäeval, 14. detsembril kell 19.00/ Monday, Dec 14th at 7pm
Toronto Eesti Majas/ Toronto Estonian House
Info: Silvi Verder,
TES Algkooli jõulupuu/ Toronto Estonian Elementary School Christmas Party
Teisipäeval, 15. detsembril kell kell 19.00/ Tuesday, Dec 15th at 7pm
Toronto Eesti Majas/ Toronto Estonian House
Info: Eda Oja,
Gaid ja Skaut Maleva Metsajõulupuu/ Estonian Guides and Scouts Outdoor Christmas Gathering
Kolmapäeval, 16. detsembril kell 7 p.l. - 8:30 p.l./ Wed, Dec 16th from 7 - 8:30pm
Traditsiooniline Metsajõulupuu on tulemas! Tulge Jõulurõõmu nautima koos meiega metsas!
Tooge kaasa enda küünal ja kantke soojad riided .
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Tradition Estonian Outdoor Christmas gathering and service! Join us in spreading Christmas cheer! Bring along your own candle and make sure to wear warm clothes.
Info: ngdr. Merike Kolga
Kuldse Klubi jõulu koosviibimine/ Senior's Club Christmas Gathering
Kolmapäeval, 16. detsembril/ Wed, Dec 16th
Meie Kodu, 6520 Oak St.
Montreali Eesti Pensionäride Klubi/ Montreal Estonian Pensioners Club
Jõulupuu koosviibimine/ Christmas Get-together
Reedel, 18. detsembril kell 1 p.l./ Friday, Dec 18th at 1pm
St John's Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Jõuluvana kinkidega. Santa Claus will be bringing presents.
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TES Lasteaia jõulupidu/ TES Kindergarten Christmas Party
Laupäeval, 19. detsembril kell 10.00 - 12.00/ Sat, Dec 19th from 10am to 12pm
Toronto Eesti Majas/ Toronto Estonian House
Pidu toimub Toronto Eesti Maja suures saalis alates kell 10:00. Lasteaia lapsi ootame klassiruumidesse kell 09:30. Ka jõuluvana on kutsutud!
Info: Katriina Bellerive, , or phon e (416) 546-5366

The party will begin in the Grand Ballroom of the Toronto Estonian House at 10am. Kindergarten children expected in their classrooms for 9:30am. Santa Claus is also invited!
Info: Katriina Bellerive, , or phon e (416) 546-5366
Ottawa Eesti Seltsi jõulupuu/ Ottawa Estonian Society Christmas Party
Laupäeval, 19. detsembril kell 3 p.l./ Sat, Dec 19th at 3pm
German Lutheran Church on Preston St., Ottawa ON
Seekord toimub jõulupidu 19. detsembril Saksa Martin Luteri Kirikus, 499 Preston St. Jõulupeole eelneb algusega kell 3pm Ottawa Pauluse Koguduse jõulujuumalateenistus, mille peab õpetaja Kalla Kadakas Torontost.

Mark your calenders – December 19th at 3 p.m. Rev. Kadakas from Toronto will be holding our annual Christmas church service at the German Lutheran Church on Preston St. The service will be followed by our traditional family get together and visit from Santa Claus.
For more information, follow this link: Ottawa Estonian Society
Vana-aastaöö Veneetsias/ New Years Eve in Vienna
Neljapäeval, 31. detsembril kell 7 õ/ Thurs, Dec 31st at 7pm
Toronto Eesti Majas/ Toronto Estonian House
Tulutoov vana-aasta õhtu Eesti Maja heaks. Toronto Eesti Maja kolmes saalis. Kell 7 õhtul kogunemine ja maksuline baar. Kell 8 õhtusöök veiniga, sampus südaöösel. Pileti hind $150.00 isikult. Laudade/piletite tellimine: Vaike Rannu 416-490-9669 or
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New Years Eve benefit party for the Toronto Estonian House. Taking place in all three halls at the Toronto Estonian House. 7pm - Cocktail hour, 8pm - dinner with wine, champagne at midnight. Ticket: $150.00. To order tickets/reserve tables: Vaike Rannuy 416-490-9669 or
Vana-aasta Tuluõhtu - Spordiliit USA/New Years Eve Fundraiser for the Estonian American Amateur Athletes Group
Chateau Resort and Conference Center in Tannersville, Pennsylvania (in the Poconos)
New Years Eve Party/Weekend as a fund raiser for the Estonian-American Amatuer Athletes Group....Spordiliit USA. It is going to take place at the Chateau Resort & Conference Center in Tannersville, Pennsylvania, which is located in the Poconos. The Resort is near the base of Camelback Mountain.
I have blocked 30+ rooms at the Resort. Due to the holiday weekend they require a minimum 2 night stay.
When booking the rooms ask for the group rate for the Estonian Sports Association. These rates are good until November 30th after that it goes to their normal rate which is about $20 more per room per night.
There will be an adult party and a party for the kids. The adult party will be in the grand ballroom and the kids party will be in a smaller room directly across the hallway from the grand ballroom. The suggested attire for the party is semi-formal/cocktail party. There will be separate buffets for the kids party and adult party. There will be DJ music for both parties. The kids room will also have other activities planned.

The adult party doors open at 7:00pm open bar starts at 7:30pm and open bar lasts for 5 hours(until 12:30) there will be various hors d' oeuvres at 7:30 and dinner will be served at 8:30. Dinner will consist of: Tossed salad, Antipasto Salad, Fruit salad, London Broil, Grilled Salmon, Chicken Marsala, oven roasted potatoes and a vegetable dish. There will also be an assortment of desserts. At midnight there will not be a champagne toast but it will be available for purchase if you really want champagne. There will be table seating but no assigned seating...if you really want to reserve a table for a group of ten it can be arranged.

The kids party doors open at 6:45pm and dinner will be served at 7:00pm and they will have an all night open bar(soda and lemonade). The dinner menu will be meatballs, chicken fingers, pasta with sauce, mixed vegetable, mashed potatoes and ice cream and cookies. The kids dinner is served at 7:00 pm that way the parents can help feed their little children and not miss out on the adult party open bar and hors d' oeuvres.

There will be free reign for everyone to go back and forth between the kids party and the adult party. This is not an invite only party if you want to invite some friends along that's great. These are the costs for the party:
Adult - $85
18-20yr. olds - $45 (this is eating at the adult party but due to their age they can't take advantage of the open"booze" bar-however they are more than welcome to be included in the kids party for the over 12 price.)
Kids Party:
over 12 yrs. old - $30
5 to 12 yrs old - $15
under 5 yrs. old - Free
Please send a check made out to EAAA for the appropriate amount for the party with a list of names of who is coming please also list any kids under the age of 5 even though you don't have to pay for them. If your coming from Canada and you can't write me a check that can be deposited as US Funds please contact me via e-mail so we can make other arrangements. Booking a hotel room does not guarantee you a spot at the party you will pay the hotel directly for your room. The cutoff date for receiving checks is December 19th and there will be no exception to this. Please send checks to: Tarmo Pallop, 6641 Wieand Court, New Tripoli PA 18066 USA

There will be other events scheduled for the weekend so I will keep all those coming in the loop as those plans get finalized. Plans in the works: Skiing and snow tubing at Camelback Mountain, group trip to casino, group trip to the outlet stores which are 5 minutes away, etc.
If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail me at
Tulevikus/ Future:
Teadaanne/ Important Reminder:
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Eesti Sihtkapital Kanadas korraldab piduliku galaõhtu Torontos.
Käesoleva juubeliaasta väärikaks tähistamiseks valis ESK elegantse "Palais Royale" bankettsaali, korraldades:
ESK gala tuluõhtu
pakutakse meelelahutust ja õhtusööki
avatud baar, esinejatega muusika
laupäeval, 15. mail, 2010
Palun märkige oma kalendrisse see kuupäev lootusega, et osalete sellel erakordsel sündmusel. Samuti, palun teatage ESK galast oma perekonnaliikmetele ja sõpradele.
Info: 416-465-5600 või
 - pics/2009/11/26194_5_t.jpg

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