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Kaksteist Briti sõdurit said Eestis liiklusõnnetuses vigastada
Eestis sai lumistes oludes toimunud ahelavariis viga 12 Briti sõdurit, teatas Postimees.
Õnnetus toimus Tallinna-Narva maanteel, umbes 40 km ...
Tallinn kavandab 1944. aasta suurpõgenemise monumenti, käigus on kaks projekti
Eestis ei ole seniajani erilist tähelepanu pööratud 1944. aasta suurpõgenemise tähistamisele. Nüüd on Tallinnas plaanimisel koguni kaks ...
UK to deploy Challenger 3 tanks to Estonia
On October 17 in Brussels, on the sidelines of the NATO Defence Ministers' meeting, Estonia's Minister of Defence, Hanno Pevkur, and the ...
Londonis toimub nädalavahetusel Balti filmifestival VIDEO
1.–3. detsembrini toimub Londoni Balti filmifestival, kus Eesti kinokunsti esindavad Anna Hintsi “Savvusanna sõsarad” ja Ove Mustingu ...
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UK plans to end prison overcrowding by jailing criminals in Estonia
UK is mulling over options to ease overcrowding in prisons and considers Estonian jails as one destination for inmates, The Times reports.
Alex ...
UK prime minister to meet troops in Estonia
UK prime minister Rishi Sunak will meet UK troops in Estonia and participate in a summit with Nordic and Baltic leaders to discuss aid in support of ...
Liz Truss resigns her post as UK prime minister
Prime Minister Liz Truss has resigned as UK prime minister and leader of the Conservative Party in a brief statement outside Downing Street. She said ...
Lessons from Estonia’s Education Success Story Exploring Equity and High Performance through PISA
Estonia is Europe’s top performer on PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). How was that accomplished, when that was never the ...
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Britain ready to commit 1,000 extra troops to defend Estonia
Britain will commit an extra 1,000 troops and one new aircraft carrier to the defence of Estonia, British defence secretary has announced.
Britain ...
Narva: The Estonian border city where Nato and the EU meet Russia - BBC
Narva is a strange place, almost an aberration. On the very edge of Nato's eastern flank, it is Estonia's third biggest city - but its ...
Eesti lood: Põlvkond piiri taga
"Põlvkond piiri taga" on Terje Toomistu dokumentaalfilm neist noortest, kes on eri põhjustel Eestist ära läinud. Filmi keskmes on ...
UK promises to defend Sweden, Finland
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that UK will defend Finland and Sweden if either country comes under attack.
He made the promise during a ...
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Putin ‘at risk of coup’ by Russian security services
Some members of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) are thinking about getting rid of President Putin, as the war in Ukraine continues, The ...
NATO Secretary General visits multinational battlegroup in Estonia
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with President Alar Karis on Tuesday (1 March 2022) at the start of a visit to Estonia. The Secretary ...
British Prime Minister and NATO Secretary General will visit Estonia tomorrow
Tomorrow, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will arrive in Estonia.
Tomorrow, March 1st, NATO ...
How Estonia does it: Lessons from Europe’s best school system
In Estonia children learn robotics from the age of seven and teachers use virtual reality to bring geography, chemistry, history and languages to ...
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Inglismaa kaotas maskikandmise ja koroonapassi kohustuse
Inglismaal ei ole neljapäevast enam kohustust kanda maski ega näidata koroonapassi.
Maski kandmine nüüd isikliku hinnangu küsimus ja ...
British soldier left with stammer after serving during winter in Estonia
A former British soldier claims he was left with a stammer after serving in Estonia's freezing weather. He is suing the British Ministry of ...
Brain Drain From Britain Delivers Financial Boon to Estonia - NYT
By Stephen Castle
At first Vicky Brock struggled to place Estonia on the map. And when she flew to the Baltic nation last December, she took just ...
The Estonian Sea Captain
The Estonian Sea Captain tells the story of my father, Captain Evald Jakobson, his life, family, and the country of Estonia. A naval adventurer and a ...
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Raamat eestlasest laevakaptenist Evald Jakobsonist
Eesti ajalugu on alati olnud tihedalt seotud Läänemere, merekaubanduse ja seiklushimuliste meresõitjatega.
Septembrikuus esitleti Tallinnas ...
Edward Lucas kandideerib Briti parlamenti
Tuntud Briti ajakirjanik, Eesti ja teiste Ida-Euroopa riikide demokratiseerumist viimased 30 aastat kajastanud ja toetanud Edward Lucas teatas, et ...
England vaccine passport plans ditched, Sajid Javid says - BBC
Plans to introduce vaccine passports for access into nightclubs and large events in England will not go ahead, the health secretary has said.
Sajid ...
We are benefitting hugely from Brexit, says Estonia’s prime minister
Brexit has led to around 4,000 UK companies setting up shop in the EU-member state of Estonia, mostly by registering for the country’s much-talked ...
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Polyglot to take on Estonian language in 30-day challenge - ERR VIDEO
A noted polyglot Youtuber is adding Estonian to his list of language acquisitions, integration body the International House of Estonia (Eesti ...
Wise kaasasutajad said Eesti esimesteks miljardärideks
Pärast tänast börsidebüüti said Wise omanikest Kristo Käärmannist ja Taavet Hinrikusest Eesti esimesed miljardärid. Sellega tõusis nad ka ...
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