Ehatare’s “The Grand Parade” returns (1)
Eestlased Kanadas | 23 Aug 2024  | EWR
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Ehatare is hosting a “Grand Parade” fundraiser walk again this year! This fun, family-friendly event will take place on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at Ehatare. Last year, our residents felt the love and support shown by our Estonian community. We’d love you to join us!

We need your help to reach our $35,000 fundraising goal. All funds raised in The Grand Parade Scarborough (Ehatare) walk will directly support providing quality programs for our residents, and to undertake vital, ongoing improvements to our 40 year old Ehatare building.

Participation is easy!

• Register today to walk 2.5 km as a team captain or team member by visiting > Register > join a team.

• What’s a Team Captain? If you want to start your own Team, follow this link for more information > Register > Start a team.

Residents can also be part of the fun! Start a team for a resident and sponsor them. Our walk is wheelchair and walker friendly. As the start and end point of our event is at Ehatare, residents can participate by walking the 2.5 km or just around the building. They can also cheer on our walkers. BBQ Lunch to follow for participants.

• If you’re not available on September 21st
, you can still register to walk but select “off-site” and walk your own route in September. Our international teams took part from Estonia, Italy and the USA last year. We can provide swag ahead of time by request. Please contact Sirje Jarvel if interested .

• We need volunteers to help us with the event, please contact Janne Laanemaa if interested Volunteers must sign up at and choose the position you are interested in. YOU CAN ALSO FUNDRAISE! If you wish to be a volunteer and fundraise, sign up a second time (see above Register today!) When asked to choose your distance, choose volunteer.

• If you do not want to start a team or do not have a specific person to donate to, but would still like to contribute, feel free to donate to “Team Ehatare”.

• Become a SPONSOR! Donate towards our snack rest stop by donating $500. If you donate more, you can be recognized during opening ceremonies, social media posts, and on our TGP website. Ask us for more details if your business is interested.

Ps. Want more info? Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and stay tuned for more info about The Grand Parade and how you can make a difference in the lives of the Ehatare residents this year. Or ontact Veronika Viinamae or Sirje Jarvel for more information.

 - pics/2024/08/61179_001.jpg

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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Yeah!04 Sep 2024 05:26
Last year it was so much fun, and for a great cause. So hope that you all come and walk and-or donate! The monies raised are of great help to Ehatare's residents.

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