Else Rabadik 95 (2)
Teadaanded | 09 Mar 2007  | EWR OnlineEWR

On February 18, 2007, Else Rabadik turned 95. She is presently living in the True Davidson Home, 200 Dawes Rd., sharing a room with a very spry 93 year old Estonian lady. Else Rabadik wrote books on cooking and lived with her husband, Ervin, in Montreal until he died. She then moved to Toronto to be closer to a larger Estonian community. Since her husband was a member of Tehnola Fraternity, she was visited by two members, Tõnu Kadai and Adu Raudkivi on the occasion of her birthday. After losing contact with Mrs. Rabadik when she moved to the retirement home the two members were tipped off to her location by another member's widow, Mrs. Helju Sepman, who lives
in Albany, New York.

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Anonymous09 Mar 2007 14:25
Kuulge nüüd teie, Kadai ja Raudkivi. Olete täitsa tublid ja kõigile eeskujuks et läksite vanainimesele külla sünnipäeva puhul.
Olge kõik õnnistatud.
Anonymous09 Mar 2007 12:45
pr. Rabadik oli õppejõud Kehtna Kodumajanduskoolis, mis oli tunnustatud esimese vabariigi ajal.
Sealt kasvasid Eesti parimad kodumajandajad, perenaised, käsitöölised...
Siin mandril on veel elus mõned tema endised õpilased, kes on ise ka juba kõrges eas.
Minu ämm on üks nendest.

Loe kõiki kommentaare (2)
