"The Bell of Emmaste" ("Emmaste kirikukell") on miljonite lugejate jaoks eelkõige jõululugu, mis jõudis müügikioskitesse Austraalias, Brasiilias, T s
Liigutav lugu Wellsi raamatust annab kronoloogilise täpsusega edasi seda, kuidas USA rahuvalvajate korpuse vabatahtlik aitas endises Nõukogude Eestis otsida kadunud kirikukella. Kirikukell maeti maha Teise maailmasõja päevil, et varjata suurt kogust metalli natside ja Vene väesalkade eest, kes vajasid seda laskemoona tarbeks. Aastakümneid maa sees olnud kell kaevati välja 1994. aasta detsembris. Sündmus, mis leidis aset kõrvalises külas väikesel saarel Läänemeres, sai maailma ajakirjanduses tähelepanu osaliseks ja Wells pälvis tollase Eesti presidendi Lennart Meri õnnitlustelegrammi. Wellsi raamat kirjeldab paljusid seiklusi rahukorpuse vabatahtliku elust kuni viimase ajani raudse eesriide taga olnud piirkonnas.
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Contact: Joel Waters, , www.criticalmassfilms.com
December 17, 2001
The World’s most widely read magazine, and one of the most respected, Reader’s Digest, included the story of “The Bell of Emmaste”, by Douglas Wells, in several of its December 2001 international editions. Reader's Digest is published in 48 editions and 19 languages and is sold in more than 60 countries.
"The Bell of Emmaste" will make a nice Christmas story for millions of readers. Among the countries where the story will be on the newstands are: Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Finland (where it is called Valitut Palat), Hungary, Indonesia, Malaysia, Portugal, Hong Kong, Slovakia and Thailand.
This touching story from Wells’ book “In Search of the Elusive Peace Corps Moment” chronicles how, as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in the former Soviet Republic of Estonia, the author helped to find a lost church bell. The bell, which was buried during World War II in order to hide it from Nazi and Russian troops seeking to melt it into ammunition casings, was unearthed in December 1994. This event, which took place in a remote village on a small island in the Baltic Sea, attracted world media attention and earned Wells a congratulatory message from then Estonian President, Lennart Meri.
Wells’ book, “In Search of the Elusive Peace Corps Moment”, tells of his many adventures as a Peace Corps Volunteer behind the recently crumbled iron curtain. It has enjoyed great popularity since its publication in May, 2001, and is currently on the publisher’s bestseller list. “In Search of the Elusive Peace Corps Moment”, by Douglas Wells, can be purchased online from the publisher’s website, www.xlibris.com, or from online booksellers including Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, and Borders.com. It can also be ordered from your local bookstore.