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EstDocs Festival: October 19 - 23 Estonian Life
24 Mar 2018 EL (Estonian Life)
Note new dates
Please mark your calendars!
We've shifted the dates so please mark your calendars. This year will be particularly exciting because we'll also be featuring - every day - a film from Lithuania and one from Latvia. Why? Because Lithuania and Latvia, along with Estonia, are celebrating their 100th birthday, too.

We're excited to let you know that we'll be screening the films at HotDocs each day, except for Oct 23 when we'll be at Eesti Maja.

REMINDER: Short Film Competition Deadline is Oct 1
Submit your short film by midnight Oct 1 and you qualify for praise and prizes. If you're not Estonian or of Estonian descent, that's quite all right! We invite you to submit a short film about Estonia or an Estonian (or both) and you are equally qualified for praise and prizes, too.

Kristi Sau-Doughty and the Festival Director Team

Helga needs help with
"Coming Home”

Helga Merits is a filmmaker whose films, including Baltic University, have been featured at EstDocs. Her films often focus on the Estonian refugee experience, something many Canadians of Estonian heritage know all too well. Her next film, "Coming Home Soon" is focused on the Geislingen refugee camp, a place where 4,000 Estonians, including children, lived for five years before they were dispersed to settle elsewhere.

Helga is progressing well with "Coming Home Soon" but needs help to complete the film. Can you help? Documenting the lives of those who fled the Soviet Invasion of 1944 helps us hold the memories of this time, helps us draw strength from the courage and determination of our ancestors. Please visit and be a part of the film's success. Enter “Geislingen” as the Special Instructions for your donation.

Our mailing address is:
EstDocs Film Festival
310 Bloor Street West
Toronto, On M5S 1W4