Estonia: A nation dispersed by history – united by a global destiny Estonian World (5)
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 07 Jul 2018  | EWR OnlineEWR

By Marcus Kolga and Laas Leivat in Opinion · June 28, 2018 · 2 Comments
Tags: Global Estonians
Canadian-Estonians Marcus Kolga and Laas Leivat propose to engage hundreds of thousands of Estonians living abroad and establish their official representation in the Estonian government and parliament.
Estonia’s domestic population is declining, but our global population remains stable. While we desperately seek ways to create more Estonians, there are 200,000 proud Estonians living outside the country’s borders.
Many of us are temporary economic migrants who have travelled abroad in search of prosperity and stable incomes; some of us have emigrated in search of sunshine and warmer weather.

ARTICLE in Estonian World:

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Margus Jukkum12 Jul 2018 09:43
Michelle Zilio, Parliamentary Reporter for Canada's national newspaper the Globe and Mail while covering a press conference in Ottawa with Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau cited at the end of her article that

"Canada is home to more than 24,000 Estonians."

ERR, Estonia's state broadcaster while reporting on the same Ratas trip to Canada noted that

"According to the 2016 census, approximately 20,000 - 25,000 Estonians live in Canada, 7,800 of whom live in Toronto."

These news outlets are trusted sources of information and are staffed by trained and seasoned journalists.

The stats Canada census statistics can be found on

One seriously has to question the judgement of Marcus Kolga and Laas Leivat in circulating the figure of 40,000 Estonians living in Canada. This figure is probably promoted by them to enhance
their effort to lobby the Estonian government to establish a high level ministerial position and office and to offer one or two seats in parliament for representatives elected by the Estonian diaspora. In light of this campaign based on questionable figures served up as facts, I personally I think Estonia and Estonians are better served by a global broadening of Estonia's diplomatic corps. More importantly, let's also not forget that Estonians living in Canada, and elsewhere abroad for that matter, with valid Estonian ID cards and Estonian passports can already vote in Estonia's parliamentary elections and can also cast a vote for Estonian representatives in the EU parliamentary elections.
pensionär11 Jul 2018 11:41
I definitely do not want EKN to represent me in Estionia. I give my vote directly to the party I support. Historically EKN has not been spokesman of the majority of Estonians in Canada, they represent only a very small number that cast their votes for them and so far it has been olny their political agenda. For instance Margus Kolga (representing EKN) wants everybody to sell Estonian House and use the money to build a much smaller and more expensive building near Tartu College. The majority of Estonians do not support selling the Estonian House.
Väino V. Keelmann09 Jul 2018 17:25
How much tax will expatriates pay to justify their position? Kui suur on mõeldud väliseestlaste tulumaks et nendel on õigused osa võtta kodu Eesti poliitikat?

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