The Baltic Course 23.12.2015
After a break of several years, North Korea re-emerged as a trading partner for Estonia in September and October 2015, with Estonian companies exporting sawlogs to that county in both months, informs LETA/BNS.
In 2015, sawlogs from spruce and silver fir worth 149,700 euros were dispatched from Estonia to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, it appears from statistical data.
Export of sawlogs to North Korea amounted to 111,400 euros in September and to 38,300 euros in October.
The last time that goods were exported from Estonia to North Korea before that was in 2006, when paper and cardboard for 37,000 euros was exported to the Asian dictatorship.
In exports for 2004, data of Statistics Estonia shows 4,800 euros' worth of goods categorized as nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical equipment or parts thereof as exported to North Korea.
No goods were imported to Estonia from North Korea this year. The only years when import from North Korea to Estonia was registered were 2012 and 2009, when respectively 194 euros' and 1,534 euros' worth of garments were imported.
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