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Estonia asserts its continuity 30 years ago (II)
13 Aug 2021 Laas Leivat
 - pics/2019/06/53773_001_t.jpg
The sights and sounds of restored independence, some personal vignettes

Flying from Frankfurt to Vilnius late in the evening on September 1, 1991 in a decades old Canadian Air Force Cosmopolitan transport, we were confident we would overcome unexpected situations with common sense and determination.

It was known that Moscow had not yet issued orders to all the remaining KGB Border Guards left on duty at various entry locations in Lithuania. In spite of this we unanimously agreed that no one would obey any KGB demand to surrender passports. Relinquishing to passport control, held by the remains of an irrelevant Soviet system would simply not be an option for us.

Approaching Lithuanian air space, news passed round that Vilnius airport had closed for the day. Half in jest, someone suggested that perhaps the runway lights would be switched off also.

Upon landing it was obvious from the darkened buildings and lack of any activity that airport work had ended for the day. But soon after landing the airplane door was opened and a KGB-uniformed official entered. From the pips on his shoulder he was a major in the old Border Guards, a mid-level officer usually not relegated to such duties as passport control.

(Pikemalt saab lugeda Eesti Elu 13. augusti 2021 paber- ja PDF/Digilehest)

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