Estonia at the Green Week 2016 in Berlin
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 25 Jan 2016  | EWR OnlineEWR 25. January 2016
In 2014, as the International Green Week partner country, Estonia's stand comprised 455 m2 of the exhibition area. This year, the country's stand was many times smaller, but still hosted several ministerial meetings and offered a large variety of intriguing new and traditional Estonian food products.

Mr. Urmas Kruuse, Minister for Rural Affairs of Estonia, met his colleagues from Sweden, the Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moldova, Slovenia, Georgia, Lithuania and Saxony, as well as also vice-ministers from Byelorussia.

Issues under discussion included such as co-operation on the International Green Week, in the region and on new distant markets. Minister Kruuse invited his colleagues from the Baltic Sea and Eastern Partnership countries to attend the traditional conference Agroforum Mare Balticum IV in Tartu in April 2016. This year, environmentally smart agriculture will be the main issue for discussions. More information about the conference is available at

The Estonian stand, run by the Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce, was given the slogan Naturlich Estland - the same slogan used during the Partner Country year. It presented such well-known Estonian food products as elk meat sausages, Põltsamaa mustard and smoked cheese. However, there were also on offer many interesting new products such as organic beef sausages and smoked beef slices, as well as juices made from non-traditional bases (e.g. blackthorn).

More information about the Estonian stand is available at
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