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Estonia buys embassy building in Ottawa
01 Oct 2018 EWR Online
Estonian Ambassador to Canada Toomas Lukk with Canadian Governor General Julie Payette. Source: Ülle Baum  - pics/2018/10/52307_001.jpg
Estonian Ambassador to Canada Toomas Lukk with Canadian Governor General Julie Payette. Source: Ülle Baum
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has purchased a building in the Canadian capital of Ottawa for €900,000 that will house the Estonian Embassy.

"The current rental premises of the Ottawa embassy do not meet the needs of the embassy and modern security requirements, have been depreciated, and lack official rooms," Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Britta Tarvis told BNS on Thursday. "When weighing various rental and purchase options, it was determined that it would be more favourable in the long term to own real estate. In addition, when it comes to an owned property, there are better opportunities for adjusting it to meet the embassy's needs."

Sitting on a property of 611 sq m, the 309 sq m building cost €868,000. "The building, which until now had been used as a residential building, was purchased in February already, but the paperwork conducted later took months," Tarvis explained.

"The building was built in 1875 and renovated in 1982, when an addition was also built during renovations," the spokesperson said. "The building, which until now had been used for residential purposes, is currently in average condition and during renovation will be built into a representative and office building in accordance with the needs of the embassy."