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Estonia Considers Visa Freedom with European Union for Ukraine to Be Important
07 Dec 2010 EWR Online
At today’s meeting with Ukrainian President Viktor Janukovitch in Kiev, Foreign Minister Urmas Paet confirmed Estonia’s support for Ukraine in visa negotiations with the European Union, the goal of which is visa-free travel for Ukrainian citizens. “A clear prospect for visa freedom is necessary for Ukraine to rapidly grow closer to the European Union,” he said.

At the meeting, Foreign Minister Urmas Paet noted that quicker progress should also be made with the European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement and in free trade agreement negotiations between the European Union and Ukraine. Foreign Minister Paet added that we expect Ukraine to continue making democratic reforms.

At his meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Mikola Azarov, Foreign Minister Paet emphasised that Ukraine will continue to be one of Estonia’s primary partner countries for development co-operation in the coming years. “Potential areas of co-operation are the implementation of information and communications technology in state administration, domestic security, education, and energy conservation,” said Paet.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Azarov recognised Estonia’s rapid development and Estonia’s accession to the euro zone and the OECD.

Azarov and Paet also discussed matters related to energy security. “Both Estonia and Ukraine are interested in finding new alternatives for energy supplies and stronger connections with other European nations,” said the Estonian foreign minister.

At the meeting Paet also noted that Estonia is starting up an Eastern Partnership training centre in Tallinn as of 1 January. “Ukrainian diplomats and officials are welcome to come participate,” he said.

Foreign Minister Paet said that next year Estonia will open its new embassy building in Kiev. “We are ready to start renovations in order to have a better working environment at the embassy in Kiev than before,” he added.

Photos from the meeting with the Ukrainian foreign minister: