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Estonia is "waiting" for Sweden and Finland to join NATO, defense minister says
27 Apr 2022 EWR Online
Kalle Laanet - pics/2022/04/59201_002_t.jpg
Kalle Laanet
Estonia would gladly welcome the entry of Sweden and Finland into NATO, Estonia's defense minister Kalle Laanet said Wednesday amid reports its neighbors were planning to join the security alliance.

"I am waiting that they join NATO; it makes Europe, their security more strong," Kalle Laanet told CNN.

"Estonia welcomes Sweden and Finland to our group, our allies to NATO. It will strengthen our, let's say, eastern part of NATO,” Laanet said, speaking from Poland on a visit to see Estonian troops stationed there.

Laanet called for more NATO troops and military equipment to be sent to Baltic states, in the face of a security order which has "totally changed" following Russia's invasion of Ukraine